A lib for running multiple VESCS over CAN-BUS from a teensy

Primary LanguageC


Currently Untested

A lib for running multiple VESCS over CAN-BUS from a teensy, this code is bassed from the FLEX-CAN and vedder's BLDC code.

The files:

  • datatypes.h
  • buffer.h
  • bldc_interface.h

including there sources are all unmodified.

Hardware Setup

The code was tested using a sn65hvd232d transeiver and a Teensy 3.6. The can transeiver is wired to the Teensy using pins 3 & 4, as shown in the figure below. When using one VESC and the transeiver a 120 Ohm teriminating resistor is needed, if more than one VESC is in the CAN network a terimnating resistor is not needed (But still recomended).


void vesc_can_begin() Starts the CAN-BUS interface at the correct baud rate.
void vesc_can_end() Ends the CAN-BUS interface.


void vesc_can_set_duty(uint8_t controller_id, float duty) Set the duty from 0 - 1.0
void comm_can_set_current(uint8_t controller_id, float current) Set the current in amps
void comm_can_set_current_brake(uint8_t controller_id, float current) Set the brake current in amps
void comm_can_set_rpm(uint8_t controller_id, float rpm) Set the target RPM
void comm_can_set_pos(uint8_t controller_id, float pos) Set the target possistion


comm_can_get_values(uint8_t controller_id) Asks the VESC for a values data type, does not reutrn the vlaues data type.

int vesc_can_read() call this in a polling or interupt routeen to process incoming data, will return an int bassed on what is returned


  • Test
  • Finish this document
  • Implement getters for diffrent data types