
small real time weather util

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


small real time weather util

this project started as a way to test out Deno and what caught my eye was the compile feature that lets you create a binary depending on your OS with a single command.

this project uses the OpenWeatherMap API to get current weather data based on city names. it uses the 2.5 version that's deprecated. yes, i have left my API key exposed, because i don't care, go nuts.


have node and npm installed on your machine

Installation and Setup

  • install deno and restart your terminal

  • clone the repo and navigate to the project

    git clone https://github.com/thisisrajneel/weat.git
    cd weat
  • install the dependencies

    npm i
  • compile the code into a binary

    deno compile --allow-all main.js

    the --allow-all flag give all permissions to the deno runtime

    alternatively you can use the --allow-net flag only

    you will see a binary named weat created inside the project (or weat.exe in case of windows)

    For Linux users

    move the binary to the bin folder to make it globally accesible

    sudo mv weat /bin



    the command by itself will ask for a city as a command line argument

    $ weat
    enter a city name

    weat [city]

    outputs the current weather of the city in the terminal in json format

    $ weat delhi
    coord: { lon: 77.2167, lat: 28.6667 },
    weather: [ { id: 721, main: "Haze", description: "haze", icon: "50d" } ],
    base: "stations",
    main: {
      temp: 302.2,
      feels_like: 303,
      temp_min: 302.2,
      temp_max: 302.2,
      pressure: 1012,
      humidity: 51,
      sea_level: 1012,
      grnd_level: 987
    visibility: 3500,
    wind: { speed: 1.54, deg: 260 },
    clouds: { all: 20 },
    dt: 1728709263,
    sys: {
      type: 1,
      id: 9165,
      country: "IN",
      sunrise: 1728694203,
      sunset: 1728735887
    timezone: 19800,
    id: 1273294,
    name: "Delhi",
    cod: 200

    Further Scope

    adding a how-to for windows users