small real time weather util
this project started as a way to test out Deno and what caught my eye was the compile feature that lets you create a binary depending on your OS with a single command.
this project uses the OpenWeatherMap API to get current weather data based on city names. it uses the 2.5 version that's deprecated. yes, i have left my API key exposed, because i don't care, go nuts.
have node and npm installed on your machine
install deno and restart your terminal
clone the repo and navigate to the project
git clone cd weat
install the dependencies
npm i
compile the code into a binary
deno compile --allow-all main.js
the --allow-all flag give all permissions to the deno runtime
alternatively you can use the--allow-net
flag onlyyou will see a binary named weat created inside the project (or weat.exe in case of windows)
move the binary to the bin folder to make it globally accesible
sudo mv weat /bin
the command by itself will ask for a city as a command line argument
$ weat enter a city name
outputs the current weather of the city in the terminal in json format
$ weat delhi { coord: { lon: 77.2167, lat: 28.6667 }, weather: [ { id: 721, main: "Haze", description: "haze", icon: "50d" } ], base: "stations", main: { temp: 302.2, feels_like: 303, temp_min: 302.2, temp_max: 302.2, pressure: 1012, humidity: 51, sea_level: 1012, grnd_level: 987 }, visibility: 3500, wind: { speed: 1.54, deg: 260 }, clouds: { all: 20 }, dt: 1728709263, sys: { type: 1, id: 9165, country: "IN", sunrise: 1728694203, sunset: 1728735887 }, timezone: 19800, id: 1273294, name: "Delhi", cod: 200 }
adding a how-to for windows users