
Examples of using Go in Google Cloud Functions

Primary LanguageGo

Google Cloud Functions using GO

This project has examples for using Go Cloud Function and Firestore

The project is separated into 2 directories

  • /functions - for Cloud Function
  • //events - Event triggered functions
  • //http - HTTP triggered functions
  • /firestore - for non Cloud Function code i.e. can be run on a local machine

Function triggers are:

  • HTTP
  • Events (firestore)

Also includes a demonstration of interacting with Firestore outside of Cloud Functions

The functions are designed to work together to create a simple people application

In the database people are located in a root collection /people and a person is added as a document in the collection e.g. /people/SYd2omJqJnoahIgqtdgs/. A person includes the follow firestore data:

Key Type
createdAt timestamp
dob timestamp
firstname string
lastname string
postcode string
location geopoint

The http function AddPerson takes the following json payload and creates a new person in the DB

	"fname": "Maurice",
	"lname": "Moss",
	"dob": "1980-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
	"postcode": "E1 1AB"

The event function UpdateLocation will respond to write events on the person document and fetch the Latitude/Longitude for the postcode using postcodes api

The firestore application can be run locally and provides an example of querying firestore and extracting a document by ID you will need to set 2 environment variables

  • GCLOUD_PROJECT: (GCP project id)
  • GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH: (path to local json service account which has firestore access) build the program go build and run providing a query id and a string to query lastname for ./firestore iLI2lKSyha8HMGpNCyO7 Moss