

Primary LanguageHTML

alt text


This is a welcome message...

Quick links


Releases (images)


Events (Images)


Download: Sublime Text 2

Use Sublime Text to edit markdown (.md) files

Step 01

Duplicate and rename template file e.g. release010.md / event010.md and open in Sublime Text.

Step 02

Edit all fields (each new field starts with a comment (#)). Refer to existing posts for help.

Image folders

Step 03

Upload your new release (.md) file here: Releases

Upload your new event (.md) file here: Events

Be sure to write a commit message

Step 04

Upload a release image here: Release images

Upload an event image here: Event images

Step 05

Check that all the details you've entered are correct.

Step 06

Once you are happy and you've checked there are no mistakes, go to your post on GitHub and click edit. Change 'draft = true' to read 'draft = false'. Commit this change. This will publish your new release/event.

Step 07

Wait a few minutes for the site to regenerate and your new post to appear.


If your post doesn't appear, check your Commits. It will likely be a formatting issue e.g. a missing comma.

Image guidelines

Save each image using the following guidelines


  • Width: 900px
  • Height: 900px
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • File format: .jpg
  • Colour setting: sRGB

Do not 'save for web'


  • Width: 900px
  • Height: 1273px
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • File format: .jpg
  • Colour setting: sRGB

Do not 'save for web'


Download: ImageOptim

Important: Before using ImageOptim, make a copy of the original (uncompressed) .jpg. Once you run ImageOptim, the file will be overwritten. I suggest keeping two folders – Uncompressed images and Compressed images.

Image folders


  • Quality: Enable lossy minification
  • JPEG quality: 80%
  • Optimisation level: Extra

ImageOptim preferences