

Primary LanguageSwift


  • V 9.0.1
  • Swift: 4.0
  • Support Device: 4s SE 8 8plus X
  • Target OS: iOS 11


var exchangeRate: Double = 0.68
var inputCurrencyInfo: (String, String) = ("NZD", "$")
var outputCurrencyInfo: (String, String) = ("USD", "$")
  • You might need to retrieve a Currency list and create a table for user to choose, if you have time bro.
  • After user change either one or both currency, please update the above tuples and the exchangeRate.
  • Then the user can play this app for fun.
  • The bottom bar is reserved for Ad. I will add it later.


  1. How do you like the UI design?
  2. What extra feature do you wish to have?
  3. Do you mind if this app has advertisement?
  4. Do you like the calculator?
  5. Is the currency swap useful?

Answer by

  1. Background for diff currency input and output Currency Info
  2. multiply function
  3. OK
  4. Good / not
  5. Yes / put between two currency button. make the input area more appearance.