Art Deco Clock and Weather

Art Deco Clock


A 3D printed case in the sytle of Gilbert Rohde Model 6356 for Herman Miller.

In the as-built version of this project, I'm using the free downloadable Deco typefont from Nick Curtis, called "Dubba Dubba". If you like Nick's work, please contribute a few $$ at:

See the posting at (future): Art Deco Clock

Required Hardware:

  • raspberry pi zero W
  • Adafruit piTFT Plus 3.5in display
  • Optional but highly recommended: right-angle micro-usb to barrel connector
  • 4x M2.5/3mm screws, steel


  • 3D print files in STL_files folder
  • 3D printed case required; other 3d parts optional
  • See docs folder for 3D print settings


Install python programs and run scripts. See tutorial at The following are the program variable defaults; change to your preference

user modifiable variables follow; default values for startup are already set

  • time24 = False #If True, uses 24 hour clock, else 12 hour clock

  • clock_style = 2 # clock_style: 1 = white, 2 = green

  • wi_style = 2 # wi_style (weather icon style); 1 = plain/flat, 2 = art deco style

  • screen_num = 1 # 1 = Clock, 2 = Weather; weather needs configuration

  • rotate_display = False # False: Show one screen only, either clock or weather based on screen_num; True: rotate screens every display_interval

  • display_interval = 30 # Switch between clock and weather every 'n' seconds

  • weather_API = False # weather_API = False, use feedparser; True, use wunderground API with API key

  • centigrade = False # centigrade = True, use degrees C; False, use degrees Fahrenheit

user modifiable backlight variables; default values for startup are already set

  • dim_backlight = True # If True, Turn STMPE control off, use GPIO 18 to dim screen; False = Full Brightness with STMPE
  • dim_start = 21 # Backlight starts dim mode at this hour, using 24hr style
  • dim_end = 7 # Backlight ends dim mode at this hour
  • dim_value = 100 # Backlight will be dimmed to this value (Range: 0-1023) during dark hours
  • full_brightness = 1023 # Backlight fulll brightness value for daylight hours

* Defaults on Startup *

  • Clock is Green
  • screen_num = 1 means ONLY a clock will display

* Weather Display Settings *

  • Weather is displayed if display_rotate = True, OR if screen_num = 2 AND display_rotate = False
  • You MUST set LOCATION variable for your area if using weather
  • Default - weather_API = False, use feedparser; if True, use wunderground API and supply wunderground API key
  • Default - Art Deco style weather icons used if weather is chosen
  • centigrade = False, Fahrenheit is used
  • time24 = False, AM/PM is shown; True, 00:00 thru 23:59 shown
  • Default display_interval = 30; time in seconds before screen transitions to clock or weather if display_rotate = True

* Dimmer Settings *

  • Default - screen is dim between hours of 9PM/21:00 and 7:00AM


Intentionally blank

More Information:

See the build log at

Update October 03 2018:

Initial install.

Update April 22 2019

Wunderground no longer supports its API feed. Clock will still work. To receive weather use the Dark Sky API, which requires signing up for an account and key.