A strings.xml generator for multiple languages from a single google spreadsheet. It is easy to share this sheet with the translators get the translation, then with single click the translated strings.xml file for all languages will be ready. Reads the label strings (key/value pair) for different languages from a Google Spreadsheet and generate corresponding strings.xml Steps to follow, 1. Create a Google spreadsheet (e.g. Label Config) and enter all the keys and values 2. The values should be in the respective columns as, key values values-es values-fr ... 3. In the tool, edit the config.properties file and enter the required details 4. In linux change permission for generatelabels.sh : chmod 755 generatelabels.sh 5. Double click the .sh or .bat file based on the OS 6. Creates the strings.xml for all the given languages and places them in respective folders ChangeLog Version - 1.0.0 (Dec 28' 2014) Initial Version
Generates strings.xml files for different languages from a Google SpreadhSheet file