Particle Image

PD_Events ✅

✅ onEachParticleStart
✅ onFirstParticleFinished
✅ onAnyParticleFinished
✅ onLastParticleFinished

PD_Movement ✅

✅ velocity
✅ gravity
✅ attractor
✅ vortex


✅ loop
✅ start delay
✅ duration
✅ lifetime
✅ shape

✅ size
✅ sizeOverLifetime

✅ speed
✅ speedOverLifetime

✅ color
⬜ colorOverLifetime

✅ rotation
⬜ rotationOverLifetime

⬜ trail

⬜ alignToDirection


✅ rate per second
✅ PD_EmissionShape
    ✅ point
    ✅ line
    ✅ circle
    ✅ rectangle
    ✅ directional
✅ PD_EmissionShape direction
    ✅ point
    ✅ line
    ✅ circle
    ✅ rectangle
    ✅ directional
✅ bursts
✅ rate over duration
⬜ emission shape uniform


✅ controller
✅ sub particle
✅ color work with texture
⬜ size not uniform with texture
⬜ add rotation using Matrix4


⬜ particle is not being removed if ParticleImage is bigger than lifetime
⬜ particle rotated by transform is not respecting the gravity