
NTD SCH model

Primary LanguagePython

SCH Simulation Model

To run the SCH simulation model, import the SCH_Simulation() function from the helsim_RUN_KK module in the sch_simulation package.

The SCH_Simulation() function requires the following inputs:

  • paramFileName: name of the input file with the model parameters. The available files are listed in the following table.
  • demogName: name of the demography. The available demographies are listed in the following table.
  • numReps: number of simulations. If not provided, the number of simulations is extracted from the parameters file.

The SCH_Simulation() function returns a data frame with the following columns: time, SAC Prevalence, Adult Prevalence, SAC Heavy Intensity Prevalence and Adult Heavy Intensity Prevalence.

The output data frame can be exported in several different formats; see sch_results.json for an example of the results in JSON format.

See also sch_run.py for an example of how to use the SCH_Simulation() function.

How to run

  • Install pipenv according to the instructions for your OS, then cd to the project directory and run:
    $ pipenv install . # sets up per-project python environment ('env')
    $ pipenv shell # starts a per-project shell using that env
    (ntd-model-trachoma) $ python trachoma_run.py # runs the model