
Video theme for hugo using the HTML5 video element to include a video on your webpage

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is a html5 video theme for Hugo providing a shortcode video using the HTML5 video element.



This {{< video src="<name>" >}} shortcode will include the video with the name name and a supported extension from a page bundle in the page and generates structured data for it.

Since different browsers support a different set of video formats, this shortcode does not filter videos according their format ir extension. The section HTML Video Formats contains a table, which video formats are supported by which browser.


An example directory/file layout could be:

└── post/
    ├── _index.md
    └── hugo-html5-video/       <-- page bundle
        ├── index.md
        ├── video1.mp4          <-- video in mp4 format
        ├── video1.wbem         <-- video in wbem format
        ├── video1.png          <-- thumbnail of video in png format
        └── videos/
            ├── video2.mp4      <-- second video in mp4 format
            ├── video2.jpg      <-- thumbnail of second video in jpg format
            └── video2.meta     <-- sidecar file for second video

An example usage of this shortcode to include video2 could be:

{{< video src="video2" autoplay="true" muted="true" >}}

The src argument is mandatory and should contain the name of the video without extension. In the above example, this could be src="video1" or src="video2". Additional options to control the appearance are:

  • caption="Text" will add the text as caption below the video.
  • controls="false" will disable webbroswer's controls, they are by default enabled.
  • width="xx", default is width="100%".
  • height="yy" defines the video height, by default this is not set.
  • autoplay="true" will enable autoplay if supported by the browser.
  • loop="true" will enable playing the video in an endless loop.
  • muted="true" will switch off sound.
  • preload="auto|metadata|none" specifies if and how video should be loaded when the page loads.
  • playsinline

Structured data

The shortcode creates a ld+json script struct of the type VideoObject. The content for this is mostly taken from the *.meta file, which contains a json struct.

An example content:

  "Title": "Title of the video",
  "Description": "Description of the video",
  "Caption": "Caption for the video",
  "Duration": "PT89M54S",
  "DateUploaded": "2023-12-24"