
Hipex deploy image configuration files

Primary LanguagePHP

Hipex Deploy Configuration

These documentation is the guide to painlessly setup an automated deploy on the Hipex B.V. platform. The repository contains:

  • Configuration objects
  • Documentation

The deploy image is based on https://deployer.org/ and is 100% compatible with its recipe's and functions. Hipex uses configuration objects to provide some form of autocompleteion. These configuration objects can be found in this repository. The hipex wrapper will use the configuration set to create a set of deploy recipe's and hosts that can be overwritten / extended by the projects deploy.php.

Whats inside?

  • Deployer configuration hosts / tasks
  • Hipex server setup
  • Email / New Relic notification
  • CloudFlare flush


  1. Composer require hipex/deploy-configuration --dev package. Only needed when you want to have autocomplete in your deploy.php file.
  2. Copy the deploy templates inside the root of your project as deploy.php. You can find the template in templates/deploy.php.
  3. Setup your CI server
    1. GitLab CI templates/.gitlab-ci.yml.
    2. Bitbucket templates/bitbucket-pipelines.yml.
  4. Your first build will fail due to missing configuration. Login to the server and depending on your project file edit the app/etc/env.php or app/etc/local.xml. You will find these files in ~/domains/<domain>/application/shared/.

Build steps

  1. build:update Checkout the code and run composer installer
  2. build:compile Run frontend build and compilation tasks and other Configuration::getBuildCommands commands
  3. build:package Package code into tgz archive
  4. deploy:prepare_release Prepare deployment folders on the server(s)
  5. deploy:copy Copy build files to server(s)
  6. deploy:deploy Run database migrations and other Configuration::getDeployCommands commands
  7. deploy:link Set symlinks to new version
  8. deploy:after Flush caches and send notification and other Configuration::getAfterDeployCommands commands

All these steps are regular deployer tasks so the can be extended or even overwritten per project.

Required environment variables

Some specific environment variables are required to allow the deploy image access to the git repository or to be able to send out notifications.


  • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY Unencrypted SSH key. The key needs to have access to: main git repository, private packages and the SSH user. Must be base64 encoded like this:
cat ~/.ssh/deploy_key | base64

Composer authentication

These variables are only required if Magento composer repository authentication is not configured using auth.json.

  • DEPLOY_COMPOSER_AUTH base64 encoded content of auth.json. Can be fetched using cat auth.json | base64.


Email notifications

  • NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TO Comma separated list of email address to send notification to

NewRelic deploy mark (https://deployer.org/recipes/newrelic)


Slack (https://deployer.org/recipes/slack)





To test your build & deploy you can run your deploy locally.

First make sure you have all the required env variables setup using.

export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=***
.... etc

Then start your build / deployment run command from root of the project.

repeat -e for all env vars that are present during build

docker run -it -e SSH_PRIVATE_KEY -e DEPLOY_COMPOSER_AUTH -v `pwd`:/build hipex/deploy hipex-deploy build -vvv 
docker run -it -e SSH_PRIVATE_KEY -e DEPLOY_COMPOSER_AUTH -v `pwd`:/build hipex/deploy hipex-deploy deploy acceptance -vvv 

Deployer variables

Deployer exposes allot of variables you can fetch using the \Deployer\get or any other deployer method. Please see https://deployer.org/docs/configuration for a more detailed explenation. On top of the default variables exposed by deployer the Hipex image adds the following:

  • bin/php PHP binary location
  • public_folder Public html folder of the project.
  • domain_path Root domain folder (/home/<user>/domains/<domain>)
  • deploy_path Root deploy folder containing releases, shared files etc: (/home/<user>/domains/<domain>/application)
  • cpu_cores Number of CPU cores on the system
  • release_message Markdown formatted release message, including branch, commit and merged branches.
  • commit_sha Commit sha1 reference

Commonly used commands


Synchronise nginx configuration from repository to server


  • sourceFolder Relative path to the nginx configuration in project. (default etc/nginx/)


Replaces crontab with cron file from git. Will prepend some extra env variables to use in cronjobs:

  • PATH, bash configured PATH variable at deploy time.
  • APP_ROOT Root of the current release {{release_path}}


  • sourceFifle Relative path to the crontab file. (default etc/cron)


Create a supervisord managed jobqueue consumer on server with role ServerRole::APPLICATION_FIRST.


  • consumer Name of the consumer for example async.operations.all
  • workers Number of consumers to run (default 1)


Create a varnish instance managed by supervisord on server with role ServerRole::VARNISH.


  • memory Memory usage (default 1024m)
  • frontendPort Default varnish frontend port (default 6181)
  • adminPort Default varnish admin port (default 6182)
  • configFile Varnish configuration file (default etc/varnish.vcl)
  • arguments Extra arguments used to start varnish


Create a redis instance managed by supervisord on server with role ServerRole::REDIS.


  • maxMemory Max memory usage (default 1024m)
  • listen Listen to unix socket or ip:port (default {{domain_path}}var/run/redis.sock)
  • master Redis instance is slave of configuration
  • configuration Key value pairs with extra configuration for redis config


Create supervisor service configuration for long running process like varnish or PWA nodejs service.


  • name Name of the service
  • supervisorCommand The command to run
  • workers Number of workers (default 1)
  • configuration Array of extra key value pairs with configuration settings for supervisor