
Demonstrating how to inspect the entire io.js stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Showing how to inspect the entire io.js stack.

Building io.js in Debug Mode

clone it first

cd io.js
git checkout v1.x

build the fast way

brew install ninja

./configure --xcode --without-snapshot
tools/gyp_node.py -f ninja
ninja -C out/Debug

ln -s out/Debug/iojs iojs_g

build the slow way

./configure --xcode --without-snapshot
make -j8 iojs_g

Building io.js in Release mode

build the fast way

ninja -C out/Release
ln -s out/Release/iojs iojs

build the slow way

make -j8 iojs

Install Prerequisites

npm install -g resolve-jit-symbols cpuprofilify traceviewify

As a result you will find the following commands in your path:

  • rjs resolve-jit-symbols cli
  • profile_1ms.d profiling DTrace script
  • cpuprofilify converts dtrace, perf and othero out put to .cpuprofile format
  • traceviewify converts .cpuprofile into trace-viewer format to load it into chrome://tracing

Fiboncacci v8-profiler

# Terminal A
V8PROFILE=1 iojs fibonacci.js

# Terminal B

## ./fibonacci/profile-v8.sh
## get everything initialized           \
curl localhost:8000/1000 &&             \
## start profiler                       \
curl localhost:8000/start &&            \
## fire away while profiling            \
ab -n 1000 -c 20 http://:::8000/1000 && \
## kill app and have it write profile   \
kill <pid>
  • load into DevTools
  • load into flamegraph
    • large program section which is io.js startup (C/C++)
    • not a problem here since our bottleneck for handling requests is in JS land

External Request Culprit

Initial attempt the way used previously

# Terminal A
V8PROFILE=1 iojs app.js

# Terminal B (or the browser)

## ./external-request/profile-v8.sh

## get everything initialized
curl localhost:8000 &&                   \
## start profiler                        \
curl localhost:8000/start &&             \
## request page 3 times while profiling  \
ab -n 3 -c 1 http://:::8000/             \
## kill app and have it write profile    \
kill <pid>
  • load into flamegraph to see that data isn't helping very much (97.9%) is program

Attempt using system tools

  • at this point we recall that our admin told us that we're making a bunch of outbound calls to github in production

  • DTrace resource from which the below one-liner came

Identify Bottleneck

  • assumes you did the following first
npm i -g cpuprofilify traceviewify
# Terminal A
iojs --perf-basic-prof app.js

# Terminal B

## ./external-request/profile.sh
# profile with DTrace script installed via cpuprofilify
sudo profile_1ms.d -x switchrate=1000hz -p $1                               | \
# run through cpuprofilify to resolve symbols and convert to cpuprofile
  cpuprofilify                                                              | \
# save to file and pipe through
 tee samples.cpuprofile                                                     | \
# convert cpuprofile to trace-viewer format
  traceviewify > samples-traceview.json &

## request page 3 times while profiling
ab -n 3 -c 1 http://:::8000/ &&                           \
## kill process to have it write /tmp/perf-<pid>.map file
sudo kill <pid>

Now we can inspect samples.cpuprofile inside Chrome DevTools and the flamegraph app and samples-traceview.json inside chrome://tracing.

We realize we have a bottleneck in ...

Count TCP received messages by remote IP address:
# Count TCP received messages by remote IP address:
➝  sudo dtrace -n 'tcp:::receive { @[args[2]->ip_saddr] = count(); }'
dtrace: description 'tcp:::receive ' matched 1 probe
^C                                                     2                                                     3                                                     9                                                  3454

Who is and why are we getting packets from there?

Get Trace for the Connection

Using a slight adaptation of Brendan Gregg's script to trace the connect system call we can trace external connections.

Running it:

# Terminal A
sudo ./soconnect.d -c 'iojs --perf-basic-prof app.js' > soconnect.txt

# Terminal B
curl localhost:8000

sudo kill <pid>

cat soconnect.txt | rjs /tmp/perf-<pid>.map

Resolved stack:

PID    PROCESS          FAM ADDRESS          PORT   LAT(us) RESULT
20825  iojs             2    443         53 In progress

              iojs`node::TCPWrap::Connect(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&)+0x1cf
              iojs`v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(void (*)(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&))+0x9f
              iojs`v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall(int, v8::internal::Object**, v8::internal::Isolate*)+0x21d
              0xd629eb060bb Stub:CEntryStub
              0xd629ec6b124 LazyCompile:~connect net.js:761
              0xd629ec6aaee LazyCompile:~ net.js:900
              0xd629eb24bc6 Builtin:FunctionApply
              0xd629ec6a76c LazyCompile:~asyncCallback dns.js:59
              0xd629eb1ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xd629ec6a629 LazyCompile:~onlookup dns.js:73
              0xd629eb1f0c0 Builtin:JSEntryTrampoline
              0xd629eb1dff1 Stub:JSEntryStub
              iojs`v8::internal::Invoke(bool, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>*)+0x238
              iojs`v8::Function::Call(v8::Handle<v8::Value>, int, v8::Handle<v8::Value>*)+0xc1
              iojs`node::AsyncWrap::MakeCallback(v8::Handle<v8::Function>, int, v8::Handle<v8::Value>*)+0x21d
              iojs`node::cares_wrap::AfterGetAddrInfo(uv_getaddrinfo_s*, int, addrinfo*)+0x22b
              iojs`node::Start(int, char**)+0x2a5

Interestingly enough the port is 443 so some https request is being made here.

Looks like we gotta hook into DNS lookup to trace back to our code:

Very simple DTrace script:

int uv_getaddrinfo(uv_loop_t* loop,
                   uv_getaddrinfo_t* req,
                   uv_getaddrinfo_cb cb,
                   const char* hostname,
                   const char* service,
                   const struct addrinfo* hints)

pid$target::uv_getaddrinfo:entry {
  printf("%s: hostname: %s", execname, copyinstr(arg3));
# Terminal A
sudo ./dns_addrinfo.d -c 'iojs --perf-basic-prof app.js' > dns_addrinfo.txt

# Terminal B
curl localhost:8000

sudo kill <pid>

cat dns_addrinfo.txt | rjs /tmp/perf-<pid>.map > dns_addrinfo.resolved.txt

Resolved stack:

CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  4  17402             uv_getaddrinfo:entry iojs: hostname: raw.githubusercontent.com
              iojs`node::cares_wrap::GetAddrInfo(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&)+0x262
              iojs`v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(void (*)(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&))+0x9f
              iojs`v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall(int, v8::internal::Object**, v8::internal::Isolate*)+0x21d
              0xe0c630060bb Stub:CEntryStub
              0xe0c6315759b LazyCompile:~lookup dns.js:87
              0xe0c63154852 LazyCompile:~Socket.connect net.js:829
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c6314b117 LazyCompile:~exports.connect _tls_wrap.js:798
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c6314a2f5 LazyCompile:~createConnection https.js:43
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c63147f94 LazyCompile:~Agent.createSocket _http_agent.js:158
              0xe0c6314690d LazyCompile:~Agent.addRequest _http_agent.js:114
              0xe0c63142784 LazyCompile:~ClientRequest _http_client.js:18
              0xe0c6301eda5 Builtin:JSConstructStubGeneric
              0xe0c631411e5 LazyCompile:~exports.request http.js:29
              0xe0c631380f7 LazyCompile:~exports.request https.js:110
              0xe0c63137e2d LazyCompile:~exports.get https.js:120
              0xe0c63137ce9 LazyCompile:~getTipOfTheDay /Volumes/d/dev/talks/debugging-profiling-io.js/demos/external-request/app.js:60
              0xe0c631306c1 LazyCompile:~onRequest /Volumes/d/dev/talks/debugging-profiling-io.js/demos/external-request/app.js:85
              0xe0c630812ec LazyCompile:~emit events.js:58
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c6312eeaf LazyCompile:~parserOnIncoming _http_server.js:398
              0xe0c6312c3da LazyCompile:~parserOnHeadersComplete _http_common.js:42
              0xe0c6301f0c0 Builtin:JSEntryTrampoline
              0xe0c6301dff1 Stub:JSEntryStub
              iojs`v8::internal::Invoke(bool, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>*)+0x238
              iojs`v8::Function::Call(v8::Handle<v8::Value>, int, v8::Handle<v8::Value>*)+0xc1
              iojs`node::Parser::Execute(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&)+0x106
              iojs`v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(void (*)(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> const&))+0x9f
              iojs`v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall(int, v8::internal::Object**, v8::internal::Isolate*)+0x21d
              0xe0c630060bb Stub:CEntryStub
              0xe0c6312b7b7 LazyCompile:~socketOnData _http_server.js:318
              0xe0c63081287 LazyCompile:~emit events.js:58
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c6312ae5c LazyCompile:~readableAddChunk _stream_readable.js:119
              0xe0c6312a8d7 LazyCompile:~Readable.push _stream_readable.js:95
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c63128fdd LazyCompile:~onread net.js:487
              0xe0c6301ea55 Builtin:ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
              0xe0c6301f0bc Builtin:JSEntryTrampoline
              0xe0c6301dff1 Stub:JSEntryStub
              iojs`v8::internal::Invoke(bool, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>*)+0x238
              iojs`v8::Function::Call(v8::Handle<v8::Value>, int, v8::Handle<v8::Value>*)+0xc1
              iojs`node::AsyncWrap::MakeCallback(v8::Handle<v8::Function>, int, v8::Handle<v8::Value>*)+0x21d
              iojs`node::StreamWrapCallbacks::DoRead(uv_stream_s*, long, uv_buf_t const*, uv_handle_type)+0x276
              iojs`node::Start(int, char**)+0x2a5

The first piece of our code int the stack is getTipOfTheDay, so that is where this request is originating.

It is requesting from raw.githubusercontent.com and the dig command reveals that this is points to the IP address we saw earlier.

➝  dig raw.githubusercontent.com

; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> raw.githubusercontent.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19134
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;raw.githubusercontent.com.     IN      A

raw.githubusercontent.com. 20   IN      CNAME   github.map.fastly.net.
github.map.fastly.net.  14      IN      A