
i2c_to_gpio using STM32F103C8T6

Primary LanguageC

GPIO extender over I2C protocol

This project has the main propose to work as gpio expander over I2C protocol. It uses the mcu STM32F103C8T6 with cortex-M3. Here, we have the make file to build, flash e monitor the project.


  • st link to flash, debug and traceswo

Follow the link: https://github.com/stlink-org/stlink

apt install stlink-tools gdb-multiarch openocd

Install arm-none-eabi compiler available on ARM oficial site.

Go to session x86_64 Linux hosted cross toolchains and choose AArch32 bare-metal target (arm-none-eabi)

Debugger test with OpenOCD and gdb

Test the openocd and st-link V2 with the following command:

$  openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f1x.cfg

Run the gdb

$ gdb-multiarch build/filename.elf

And type

(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:3333

OpenOCD debugger xpm (not used. Skip it!) 20230124

Follow the instructions into https://github.com/xpack-dev-tools/openocd

Install the latest xpm (https://xpack.github.io/xpm/install/)

sudo npm install --global xpm@latest

install xpack-dev-tools https://xpack.github.io/openocd/install/ https://www.npmjs.com/package/@xpack-dev-tools/openocd for eclipse use

xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/openocd@latest --verbose

or uninstall

xpm uninstall --global @xpack-dev-tools/openocd --verbose

sudo npm uninstall --global xpm


Get started

First of all you should have one ST-Link V2 and make the properly connection.

ST-Link V2 STM32F103C8T6
+3V3 Vcc pad

$ make
$ make flash
$ make monitor

I2C parameters

The device works on I2C slave mode and has the following parameters

Device address: 0x23
Frequency: 400 kHz

Operation codes like as PCF8575

0b 0000 0000

| set pin | | 0x03

| reset pin | | 0x reset pin

I2C commands

  • probe
  • soft reset
  • config
  • put
  • get
  • get temperature
  • uptime
  • reset reason
  • Irms (dsp function)
  • array data receive

launch.json example

{ "version": "0.2.0", "projectName": "i2c_to_gpio", "configurations": [ { "name": "ST-LINK V2 DEBUGGER", "type": "cortex-debug", "request": "launch", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "servertype": "openocd", "executable": "${workspaceFolder}/i2c_to_gpio/build/i2c_to_gpio.elf", "configFiles": [ "interface/stlink.cfg", "target/stm32f1x.cfg" ], // "device": "STM32F103C8T6", "interface": "swd", "runToEntryPoint": "main", // "svdFile": "${workspaceFolder}/i2c_to_gpio/STM32F103.svd", // Include svd to watch device peripherals "preLaunchCommands": [ "set mem inaccessible-by-default off", "monitor reset" ], "postLaunchCommands": [ "monitor reset init", "monitor sleep 200" ] // "swoConfig": // { // "enabled": true, // "cpuFrequency": 72000000, // "swoFrequency": 4000000, // "source": "probe", // "decoders": // [ // { // "label": "ITM port 0 output", // "type": "console", // "port": 0, // "showOnStartup": true, // "encoding": "ascii" // } // ] // } } ] }