
Kotlin MCU Sample Application Server for Open WebRTC Toolkit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kotlin MCU Sample Application Server for Open WebRTC Toolkit

This is a Kotlin MCU sample application server project for Open WebRTC Toolkit. It is based on the MCU sample application server for Intel CS for WebRTC.

The original MCU sample application server is written in Node.js but this project is using Kotlin. Since Kotlin is getting popular for developing server-side lately for some reasons.

It is using Ktor Framework.

Building and running the Docker image

Build an applicatio package:

./gradlew build

Build and tag an image:

docker build -t oms-server-ktor-sample

Pushing docker image

docker tag oms-server-ktor-sample hub.example.com/docker/registry/tag
docker push hub.example.com/docker/registry/tag

Helm Chart

This Helm chart can be used to install a Kotlin MCU sample application server on a Kubernetes cluster.

Refer here for detail.