Programming Challenges


Ruby shell script (ruby program.rb) that:

  • Connects to Twitter's Streaming Sample API via PIN based OAuth
    • On intital run a twitter auth url is given where a code will be generated and entered into app
  • Reads sample tweets over the course of a few minutes.
  • Strips urls, user mentions, emoticons, stop words and other common words and produces unique word list.
  • Presents total word count and top 10 word 'trends' with occurence count for each.
  • My first Ruby script beyond Hello World :)


  • Android Phone app built using Xamarin and C#
    • If no software to run, screencast or Skype demo is available
  • Not 100% complete and a bit rough around edges
  • Partial security - frontend, simulated backend
  • Allows taking a picture w/camera, uploading to cloud
  • Currently fetches pictures/docs from cloud and displays count
    • Doesn't yet display docs back to user
  • Pictures are stored in Azure blob storage
  • First Android app and Xamarin development