
MagmaCall.jl makes it easy to call the Magma computer algebra system from Julia.


julia> using MagmaCall

julia> Q = magf.Rationals() # Properties of `magf` are intrinsic functions (and auto-completion is supported)
Rational Field :: MagmaObject

julia> R, x = magg.PolynomialRing(:x, Q); # `magg` additionally names and returns generators

julia> R
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field :: MagmaObject

julia> x
x :: MagmaObject

julia> f = x^2 - 3x + 2
x^2 - 3*x + 2 :: MagmaObject

julia> facs = magf.Factorization(f)
    <x - 2, 1>,
    <x - 1, 1>
:: MagmaObject

julia> list = maglist() # Also `magseq`, `magset`, etc.
[* *] :: MagmaObject

julia> magp.Append(MagmaRef(list), "foo") # Use `magp` for procedure calls, `MagmaRef` to pass references

julia> magp1.Append(list, "bar") # Shorthand for the above, `magpN` passes the `N`th argument by reference

julia> list
[* foo, bar *] :: MagmaObject


pkg> add

You need to have Magma already installed, with the magma executable in your PATH.


This package is SLOW, each operation takes around 1ms. Hence this package is most suitable for interactive use and high-level control.

If you need to write any tight loops, write the whole loop in Magma. Instead of magseq(magf.GF(p) for p in magf.PrimesUpTo(N)) do mag"[GF(p) : p in PrimesUpTo($N)]" (which is 100 times faster).