OnionTip - DeepOnion tipbot for Telegram

This is a fork of PandaTip-Telegram, a Pandacoin tipbot for Telegram, by @DarthJahus.


  • apt-get install python-dev
  • apt-get install python-pip
  • pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade
  • pip install requests
  • pip install emoji

In order to run the tip-bot, a Bitcoin Unlimited (or equivalent) client is needed (bitcoind).

Configuration file

Create a config.json JSON file and set up the following parameters:


	"telegram-token": "sicret-token",
	"telegram-botname": "OnionTip",
	"rpc-uri": "",
	"rpc-user": "user",
	"rpc-psw": "user",
	"admins": [-0, 0],
	"spam_filter": [5, 60]
  • telegram-token: Your bot's unique and secret token.

    Create a new bot by talking with @BotFather to get one.

  • rpc-uri: Address and port for the daemon.

    We do not advice to expose the port to external network. Please, be cautious. See next section to allow access for network addresses.

  • rpc-user, rpc-psw: Username and password for the daemon.

    You can set them in the bitcoin.conf file (see next section).

  • admins: An array of administrators' Telegram UserID (as integers).

    You can send /user_id to @ContremaitreBot to know your UserID.

  • spam_filter: An array of two integers. The first value is the number of actions a user can perform in a period of time, the 2nd value defines that period of time in seconds.

    "spam_filter": [5, 60] means that users cannot perform more than 5 actions per minute.

Deeponion daemon configuration

A DeepOnion.conf file is needed in data directory.

