
Mirror of Bitbucket repo for project 1 in imt2291 - Web Technology

Primary LanguagePHP

Project 1 in imt2291 - Web Technology

Group members

  • Yngve Hestem
  • Kristian Sigtbakken Holm
  • Thomas Løkkeborg


  • Place this repository a place where your webserver can see it (htdocs for example)

  • Run composer install to install dependencies of project

    • To install composer:

        	sudo apt update
        	sudo apt install composer
        	sudo apt install php7.0-mbstring
        	sudo apt install php7.0-xml
  • Add a config.php file to the root directory of the project. It is used to provide environment-dependant constants. It should look like the file config_example.php in docs. One way to make it is to run the command cp docs/config_example.php config.php. Alter the config.php file to fit your environment.

  • Configure your apache2 php.ini config file to reflect the sizes in src/constants.php.

  • Import the contents of docs/export_lowercase.sql into two new databases, one for production and one for testing. (called imt2291_project1_db and imt2291_project1_test for example)

  • The project needs write access to the uploadedFiles directory.

    • Linux / Mac OS: chown -R <apache2-user> uploadedFiles. (In lampp the user is daemon | apache2 default user is www-data)
    • Windows: Dunno. Google it

To run in docker

  • Do the steps above (the first step is unnecessary).
  • The project also needs write access to the db_data directory. This is where the database will end up.
  • You need to have docker and docker-compose installed.
  • docker-compose up -d should now build and run the service. Check docker-compose.yml file for details.
  • You need to import the database somehow.. this is not automatic. docker exec -it <name-of-db-container> bash while the service is running and adding it manually is one alternative. (from docs/export_lowercase.sql)


Tests are placed under tests/. Run all tests with ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests. (Note that all tests except tests/FunctionalTest.php are unit tests)


Documentation is found under docs/ in the root of the repository. You'll find a collection of documents we used during development of this site.


  • All db connections should go through DB.php
  • We write sql in the relevant classes (User-related sql inside UserManager.php etc.)
  • Code should be tested and have /**-style comments where relevant
  • File issues before embarking on larger tasks
  • Make one branch per issue you're working on (Unless it's a tiny issue)