
Repo with template LaTeX report

Primary LanguageTeX

LaTeX report template

Based on template by Erik Hjelmås.

example.pdf shows a report produced with this template.


A LaTeX installation that is able to compile this report:

apt install texlive-latex-extra
apt install python-pygments

The script ./c.sh produces the pdf. I use the following mapping to invoke the script from inside Vim:

nnoremap ø :!./c.sh<cr>

This template is fully compatible with Overleaf. Just remember to set the main tex file to report.tex.


  • The main document is report.tex. This is where the actual content is written.
  • If you want to include additional packages you should put them in preamble.tex.
  • Put images in images/. Use the picture in the template as a reference for how to use images.
  • Put references in report.bib. Currently the template is set up to print all references, not just the ones cited with \cite{...}. To change this behavior remove \nocite{*} from report.tex.
  • The .gitignore excludes all build artifacts from version control.


  • Add other types of citations.
  • Write Makefile for repo.
  • Add example of code being included from a file.