- 2
ES6 rewrite
#19 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
ParticleSystem runs a few ticks on add()
#1 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
Implement ParticleSystem.loop
#2 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
- 1
Implement simple physics class
#9 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
Shadow bad performance - dev
#11 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
Make Particle a component of ParticleSystem
#12 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
Change API
#18 opened by thomas-alrek - 1
- 0
Separate types from components
#13 opened by thomas-alrek - 0
Add JSDoc documentation
#16 opened by thomas-alrek - 1
Convert to npm package
#14 opened by thomas-alrek - 1
Implement Sprite class
#8 opened by thomas-alrek - 1
Implement InputManager class
#6 opened by thomas-alrek - 1
- 1
- 1
Implement AudioObject class
#7 opened by thomas-alrek - 1