From the ESORICS20, arxiv-extended.
The notebook Meter_interface_poc.ipynb contains a functional proof-of-concept for the interface of the meter.
Requirements for the notebook:
- python3, jupyter
- Tensorflow < 2.0
Requirements for the training and application of the model:
- python3
- Tensorflow >= 2.0
You can train your model using the script This takes as input a configuration file (GIN configuration file). The latter defines the architecture of the network and the training process.
An example of configuration file can be found in CONFs/ORIGINAL.gin.
In order to train a model on your password set, you have to modify setup.home_train by inserting the directory where the training set is located. In this directory you have to put two files:
- A textual file called X.txt containing the training-set. The training-set is composed of a list of passwords (one per line) which frequency is preserved. For instance, if the password "12345" appears 10 times in the leak, this must appear 10 times in X.txt. You have to shuffle the set of passwords before the training.
- A pickle file that contains a dictionary that maps password characters to integers. This must be called charmap.pickle. You can use ./charmap.pickle.
The training process continues till an early-stopping criteria based on the test-sets is reached. Although a maximum number of epochs can be expressed in the configuration file.
During the training, logs are saved inside HOME/LOGs, and can be visualized with tensorboard. At the end of the training, the model is saved as a keras model inside the directory /HOME/MODELs
To note:
- In ORIGINAL.gin the used batch size is quite big. Reduce it if you have memory problems with your GPU.
The script permits to apply a trained meter on a set of passwords.
The script takes as input three arguments:
- The path for the trained model in keras format (e.g., .h5).
- A text file containing the passwords; one for each row.
- The output file where to write the computed probabilities. The produced file is a two columns tsv. Here, the first column reports the passwords, whereas the second the assigned unnormalized log probabilities.
For instance, you can run:
python PRETRAINED_MODELs/ORIGINAL.h5 example/faithwriters.txt out.tsv
In the script, there are additional parameters that you may want to change in case of a custom meter.
Work in progress....
How to cite our work:
author="Pasquini, Dario and Ateniese, Giuseppe and Bernaschi, Massimo",
editor="Chen, Liqun and Li, Ninghui and Liang, Kaitai and Schneider, Steve",
title="Interpretable Probabilistic Password Strength Meters via Deep Learning",
booktitle="Computer Security -- ESORICS 2020",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
isbn="978-3-030-58951-6" }