
Tool to help automate repetative task of posting on Kijiji, and helps keep ads at the top of the listings

Primary LanguagePython


Python program that can post kijiji ads, delete them, and gather statistics on the ads.


  • python3
  • Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install all dependencies
  • To download chromedriver go to: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads. Make sure to put chromedriver.exe in the main directory as shown below.




notes: kijiji may have a captcha, user should manually fill out captch to proceed.
notes: random user agents may provide an outdated browser without a captcha. you will need to re-run the program.
notes: each folder in kijiji_ads will include a .json file for the ad information and all the images for the given ad. the images will be posted in chronological order.
json: json is located in the folder for the ad with the images for the given ad.
login-info.json will store your username and password for your account.
image: please include at least one image. images must be located in the folder with the json file for the ad.
image: there may be a specific image size, so make sure your image is not too large or too small

ads - ####.json format:

    "ad_title":"",      #--> ad title: must be minimmum 8+ characters long
    "description":"",   #--> description: must be minimmum 10+ characters long
    "category":"",      #--> category to be posted in. if left blank, will use suggested category. Otherwise, follow the order in which the categories should ...
                        #... be selected. ex. to post in speakers -> "Buy & Sell,Audio,Speakers". do not include any spaces after comma and write it as it appears on kijiji.
    "location":"",      #--> location. use postal code. can use just the first half of postal code: ex. "l4y" or the whole thing: ex. "l4y 2r5"
    "price":"",         #--> price of product. ex "199"
    "phone":"",         #--> optional phone number. ex "1112223333" leave blank if not applicable: ex. ""
    "tag":"",           #--> optional tags for the ad. write in comma seperated list. ex. "desktop, pc, computer, gaming" leave blank if not applicable. You must add a space after the tag to indicate an input
    "condition":"",     #--> optional condition of item. can be the following: "new", "usedlikenew", "usedgood", "usedfair" leave blank if not applicable.
    "desktop_brand":""  #--> look at the brand options. write as "desktop<brand>" ex. "desktopcustom" or "desktopacer" leave blank if not applicable.

login-info.json - format:

    "username":"", #--> your username or email
    "password":""  #--> your password

user prompts:

"post all": posts all ads in directory
"delete all": deletes all ads in directory from kijiji
"delete and post" combination of deleting and reposting the ads from the folders on kijiji
"<ad_file>": just enter the name of the file you want to post by itself
"f" or "exit" or "end": finishes the script and returns results
also takes command line arguments. just type the command after the main kijiji.py 

self.max_page: max page to delete ad

self.max_replies: max number of replies to delete ad

self.attempts: attempts when running from the command line