
generic cache for go apps

Primary LanguageGo

cachou: minimalist cache thingy


I wanted something like that to avoid un-necessary calls to external systems like Google Datastore and all these storage backends that can cost you money. The idea is that you can pipe any Go struct into a cache, provided you have the right tags to make get calls quicker & cheaper.

How it works

A Cache basically needs two things, a serializer and a storage engine. The Serializer is going to determine how your data is going to be cached, currently only JSON is supported but adding new ones is essentially trivial. The storage engine de termines where your data is going to be stored, right now you can use in memory storage, redis and bolt storage.

The point of this library is basically to be a middleware between the process comsuming data, and the source of truth itself. As an example you could have something like that

How to make a struct cacheable

Simply add a cachou:"uid" tag to a string or int field. Like so

type User struct {
	ID	   int64  `json:"id" datastore:"id" cachou:"uid"` // this *must be unique*
	Username string `json:"username" datastore:"username"`

How to add a serializer or a storage

Simply implement one of these two interfaces

type Serializer interface {
	Serialize(interface{}) ([]byte, error)
	Deserialize([]byte, interface{}) error

type KVStore interface {
    // Arguments in order
    // * type name, converted to bytes
    // * uid of the given type
    // * serialized data
    Put([]byte, []byte, []byte) error
    // Arguments in order
    // * type name, converted to bytes
    // * uid of the given type
    // returns the serialized data
    Get([]byte, []byte) ([]byte, error)
    // Arguments in order
    // * type name, converted to bytes
    // * uid of the given type
	Del([]byte, []byte) error


package main

import (


type User struct {
	ID	   int64  `json:"id" datastore:"id" cachou:"uid"` // this *must be unique*
	Username string `json:"username" datastore:"username"`

func saveUser(dsClient *datastore.Client, cache *cachou.Cachou, user User) error {
	k := datastore.IDKey("user", user.ID, nil)
	if _, err := s.dsClient.Put(context.Background(), k, user); err != nil {
		return err

	_, err := cache.Put(user)
	return err

func getUser(dsClient *datastore.Client, cache *cachou.Cachou, id int64) (*User, error) {
	var user User
	found, err := cache.Get(&user, id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if found {
		return &user, nil

	u := new(User)
	k := datastore.IDKey("user", id, nil)
	if err := dsClient.Get(context.Background(), k, u); err != nil {
		if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			return nil, nil
		return nil, err

	_, err := cache.Put(user)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return u, nil

func main() {
	dsClient, err := datastore.NewClient(ctx, "some-gcp-project")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cache := cachou.NewCachou(serializers.NewJSONSerializer(), storage.NewMemoryStorage())

	u := User{
		ID:	   69,
		Username: "thomas",
	cached, err := saveUser(dsClient, cache, u)
	if err != nil {
	var u2 User
	gotten, err := cache.Get(&u2, 69)
	if err != nil {
	log.Info(goten, u2)