
A fast way to deploy web app in linux server env.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Test Publish npm package


You can use fool-deploy to quickly and easily deploy your blogs, demos, frontend pages, and more on the server.


Deploy the application created by vite and create-react-app:

image image


  1. a linux server.
  2. in your server install docker engine.(notes:Choose the type of installation for your server os type)
  3. Through git or XFTP or Linux rz command will your project source code pull or copied to the server
  4. Install node and npm on your server.

How use

  1. install deps
$ npm i fool-deploy


$ yarn add fool-deploy


$ pnpm i fool-deploy
  1. modify your package.json, add the following command:
"scripts": {
  1. in your web project root dir run:
$ npm run deploy


$ yarn deploy


$ pnpm deploy


if you want custom config, you need create .foolrc in project root dir.

  "cache": true,
  "port": 2333,
  "packageCommand": "npm",
  "buildCommand": "npm run build",
  "nodeVersion": "18.14-alpine",
  "nginxVersion": "1.22.1",
  "imageName": "fool-deploy:prod",
  "output": "dist"


cache:Indicates whether to use caching; defaults to true.If you settrue,The .fool-cache directory will be generated at the root of the project after the first build.Each subsequent build will run the configuration file in .foolrc with the same .foolrc configuration. Using caching can shorten the time it takes to deploy your project later.


port:Indicates the port on which the project will run after deployment; defaults to 2333.If the port number is occupied, it will automatically +1 until an available port number is found.


packageCommand:Indicates the package manager used to install dependencies and build the project. By default, this will read the package manager you used to execute the deployment command. for example you running yarn deploy,the option is specified as yarn.The configurable options are npm | yarn | pnpm.This option is very important, Suppose the npm manager used by the project is packaged, but specified to run as yarn at deployment time. This could cause dependencies to fail to install or build during deployment.


buildCommand:Indicates the project build command,defaults to specified packageCommand field [packageCommand] build.


nodeVersion:Indicates the version of the node environment required to install dependencies and packages for the deployed project.Default is 18.14-alpine. When this version does not meet the project packaging needs, choose a runnable version. More version information can be found at dockerhub node.


nginxVersion:Indicates the version of nginx environment to run for the deployed project.Default is 1.22.1.When this version does not meet the project packaging needs, choose a runnable version. More version information can be found at dockerhub nginx.


imageName:Indicates the name of the image that docker is building, and by default it reads the name field in package.json.the format is name:prod.


output:Indicates the bundled output directory of the project, equivalent to the output directory specified by webpack. The default is dist.If the output directory in your project is build,You must specify it in .foolrc. Otherwise, it will cause an error that the resouce cannot be found.
