
Set of scripts to turn .bag files into labeled data with minimal human interaction. (Partly private repositories)

Primary LanguagePython

Dataset Creation Pipeline

Set of scripts to turn .bag files into labeled data with minimal human interaction. Some of the scripts and repositories used are private. The pipeline is specifically set up to work with the terrasentia dataset of Jose Cuaran


  1. Have dataset_creation repository cloned (the repo, where this readme is inside).
  2. Have the rosbag2csv and rowfollow_eval repositories cloned and organized as subdirectories of this directory. So, the structure should be: dataset_creation
    ... /rosbag2csv/
    ... /rowfollow_eval/
    Note that rowfollow_eval/ and rosbag2csv/ are in the .gitignore file of the dataset_creation repository
  3. Have a trained_parameters.ckpt file at dataset_creation/rowfollow_eval/trained_parameters.ckpt
  4. (optional): Change the device variable inside get_heuristic_labels.py to a suitable device, f.e. 'cuda'or 'cpu' or 'mps'

The only files in the subdirectories of this directory, which are directly called are rosbag2csv.py and get_heuristic_labels.py. Some other files are used for util purposes, some files are not used at all, f.e. eval.py, heuristics_tryout.py, get_all_topics.py.


  1. Prepare the directories. This turns the .bag files into pictures, where each bagfile gets its own folder. It also creates /heuristic folders which will be used in step 2.
    source prepare.sh /path/to/input_dir_with_bagfiles /path/to/output_dir
    for example: source prepare.sh /home/tom/Documents/research_assistance/ /home/tom/Documents/research_assistance/dataset
    Should use absolute paths.

  2. Manually go through /path/to/output_dir/$bag_name/left_cam/heuristic and /path/to/output_dir/$bag_name/right_cam/heuristic and delete pics that have a bad heuristical prediction.

  3. Cleanup the directories, leaving behind only pictures which have good predictions inside respective labels.csv
    source cleanup.sh /path/to/output_dir
    for example: source cleanup.sh /home/tom/Dcouments/research_assistance/dataset
    Should use absolute paths.

  4. (completely optional)
    python3 /path/to/file/test_visual.py $folder_name f.e. python3 ./cleanup.py ../../dataset/$bag_name/left_cam -> will create new folder /test inside /left_cam and write pictures into it with labels as they are currently in /left_cam/labels.csv, to check, if the labeling process makes sense


Written by Thomas Woehrle in January and February of 2024. Supervised by Arun Narenthiran V Sivakumar. See also acknowledgements in the README.md of the rosbag2csv and rowfollow_eval repositories.