
Efficient transfer learning based bayesian optimization for Hyperparameter optimization

Primary LanguagePython

TOPO: Efficient and Scalable Model Re-optimizations via Two-Phase Transfer Learning

Requirements Installation

  1. SWIG >= 3.05. If not, we recommend you to install it manually by:
apt-get install swig3.0
ln -s /usr/bin/swig3.0 /usr/bin/swig
  1. Install all python packages by:
pip install -r requirement.txt --user

If failed, try installing Numpy, Scipy and Cython first.


The experiment data used in this paper is available at Google drive now. (download link here) The zipped file contains 451 files (450 files including history observations of 4 ML algorithms on 30 datasets + 1 file storing the meta-features of 30 datasets). To use the benchmark data, please make directory ./data/hpo_data in the root directory of this project and move all the pickle files into the new folder.

30 OpenML datasets used in the benchmark are as follows:

Name Rows Columns Categories
balloon 2001 1 2
kc1 2109 21 2
quake 2178 3 2
segment 2310 19 7
madelon 2600 500 2
space_ga 3107 6 2
splice 3190 60 3
kr-vs-kp 3196 36 2
sick 3772 29 2
hypothyroid(1) 3772 29 4
hypothyroid(2) 3772 29 2
pollen 3848 5 2
analcatdata_supreme 4052 7 2
abalone 4177 8 26
spambase 4600 57 2
winequality_white 4898 11 7
waveform-5000(1) 5000 40 3
waveform-5000(2) 5000 40 2
page-blocks(1) 5473 10 5
page-blocks(2) 5473 10 2
optdigits 5610 64 10
satimage 6430 36 6
wind 6574 14 2
musk 6598 167 2
delta_ailerons 7129 5 2
mushroom 8124 22 2
puma8NH 8192 8 2
cpu_small 8192 12 2
cpu_act 8192 21 2
bank32nh 8192 32 2

The benchmark includes:

  1. The validation balanced accuracy of <20k configurations (10k sampled by random search + <10k sampled by Bayesian Optimization) for each algorithm on each dataset. Saved as a dictionary <configuration, balanced accuracy> in {dataset_name}-{algorithm_name}-random-20000.pkl
  2. The meta-features of 30 datasets. Saved as a dictionary <dataset_name, meta-feature> in dataset_metafeatures.pkl


  1. rs: Random search
  2. notl: Independent GP and Random Forest.
  3. tst: TST-{R/M}
  4. sgpr: VIZIER
  5. rgpe: RGPE
  6. scot: SCOT
  7. gogpe: GOGPE

Experiment Design and Reproduction Scripts

  1. Offline scenario (E.g. Random Forest on RGPE and TOPO using 5 source tasks)

    python tools/offline_benchmark.py --trial_num 75 --num_random_data 20000 --methods rgpe,topo --algo_id random_forest --num_source_problem 5
  2. Online scenario (E.g. Random Forest on RGPE and TOPO)

    python tools/online_benchmark.py --trial_num 50 --num_random_data 20000 --methods rgpe,topo --algo_id random_forest
  3. Source knowledge learning (E.g. Random Forest)

    python tools/studies/source_extraction.py --algo_id random_forest
  4. Target weight analysis (E.g. Random Forest)

    python tools/offline_benchmark.py --trial_num 75 --num_random_data 20000 --methods rgpe,topo --algo_id random_forest --save_weight true
  5. Surrogate combination strategy (E.g. Random Forest)

    python tools/studies/gp_fusion.py --algo_id random_forest
  6. Runtime analysis

    The same as 1 or 4