
Hyperparameter Optimization Toolkit

Primary LanguagePython

MFES-HB: Efficient Hyperband with Multi-Fidelity Quality Measurements

In this project, we implemented the proposed Hyperband-style HPO method that is capable of utilizing the multi-fidelity measurements.

Experimental Environment Installation.

Software needed: 1) anaconda, 2) python>=3.5.

Install necessary requirements:

  • Softwares: sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev swig3.0 gfortran.
  • Run ln -s /usr/bin/swig3.0 /usr/bin/swig
  • Python packages: for req in $(cat requirements.txt); do pip install $req; done.


Project Dirs

  • mfes/facade: the implemented method and compared baselines.
  • mfes/evaluate_function: objective function for each benchmark.
  • test/exps: the python scripts in the experiments.
  • test/plots: the scripts for drawing.

Experiments Design

See test/exps/evaluate_compared_baseline.py to get the name of each baseline method.

Exp.1: compare different versions of MFES and the sensitivity analysis.

Exp settings: runtime_limit=18000, n_worker=1, rep=10.

To conduct the experiment shown in Figure 3(a), the script is as follows: Script: python test/exps/evaluate_weight_method.py --methods 'rank_loss_single,equal_weight,rank_loss_p_norm-3,hb,bohb' --rep 10 --runtime_limit 18000

To obtain the results in Figure 3(c), the script is as follows: Script: python test/exps/evaluate_weight_method.py --methods 'rank_loss_p_norm-1,rank_loss_p_norm-2,rank_loss_p_norm-3,rank_loss_p_norm-4,bohb,idp' --rep 10 --runtime_limit 18000

Exp.2: Result comparison on XGBoost-Covtype.

Exp settings: runtime_limit=27000, n_worker=1, rep=10, R=27.

Compared methods: mfes-hb, hb, bohb, tse, fabolas, smac, random_search.

Data path: data/covtype/covtype.data

Script: python test/exps/evaluate_compared_baseline.py --runtime_limit 27000 --benchmark covtype --R 27 --baseline your_choice --rep_num 10

Exp.3: Result comparison on System.

Exp setting: runtime_limit=14400, n_worker=1, rep=10, R=27

Compared methods: mfes-hb, smac

Data path: data/cls_datasets/example.csv (The required csv name is written in each evaluate function.)

Script: python test/exps/evaluate_compared_baseline.py --runtime_limit 14400 --benchmark sys_letter --R 27 --baseline your_choice --rep_num 10

Exp.4: Result comparison on FCNet-MNIST.

Exp settings: runtime_limit=18000, n_worker=1, rep=10.

Compared methods: mfes-hb, hb, bohb, lcnet-hb, smac, smac-es, random_search.

Script: python test/exps/evaluate_compared_baseline.py --runtime_limit 18000 --benchmark fcnet --baseline your_choice --rep_num 10

Exp.5: Parallel version evaluations on ResNet-CIFAR10. Set the fraction in tf_gpu_option to be less than 0.33

Exp settings: runtime_limit=50000, n_worker=3, rep=10.

Compared methods: mfes-hb, hb, bohb, batch-bo, random_search.

Script: python test/exps/evaluate_compared_baseline.py --runtime_limit 50000 --benchmark cifar --baseline your_choice --rep_num 10 --n 3