
Minimalistic helper for keeping an activity log or brief journal from Emacs.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

simple-journal.el --- Keep a daily journal in Markdown.

Copyright (C) 2015 Thomas Kappler

This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

Licensed under the GPL version 3 or later.


simple-journal.el is a very simple helper for writing a daily journal. It is not a mode. You tell it what file your journal is in, and it offers convenience methods to go there (sj-journal), to write a new entry (sj-new-entry), and to show all lines containing "TODO" (sj-todos). sj-new-entry is smart enough to find your last entry and start the new one directly below it, so you can have other texts like notes or TODO items at the end of the file.

It is very simple, and is supposed to stay that way. The format of the journal is fixed. It keeps all entries in one file, until you point the sj-journal-file variable to a new file.

Here is an example entry in a journal produced with simple-journal. You can use all of Markdown in your text. Titles for entries are optional.

2015-02-10 Contracts for Java

Looking a bit further I found [C4J|https://github.com/C4J-Team/C4J]. My first impression is great, this is how I'd imagine it should be done (not being an expert in this space). Everything is pure Java.

simple-journal was inspired by a blog post by Federico Mena




Customize the variable at the top of the code section to point it to your journal file, and (require 'simple-journal) in your init file.


  • 2009-11: First release.
  • 2010-04: sj-todos; visits the journal and does (occur "TODO") New format: Days are ### headings, entries ####.
  • 2015-02: New format, because why not: Days and entries are not separate anymore. Each entry just gets a timestamp. Also, each entry is simply inserted at the end of the file, this is more understandable and allowed deleting half of the code. Finally, there is now some configurability: the timestamp and the markdown heading for entries can be defined.