
These are some of my config files...

Primary LanguagePython

My config files..

i3-gaps config

  • Some quick glance at commonly used keybindings
  • Here mod is windows icon in keyboard Mod1 is alt icon
mod+enter       open new terminal 
mod+Shift+r     reload i3
mod+w           open qutebrowser if installed
mod+n           open newsboat if installed
mod+m           open ncmpcpp if installed
mod+x           lock
mod+v           open visualizer(vis if installed)
mod+c           open weechat if installed
mod+i           open vtop if installed
mod+f           fullscreen
mod+shift+space toggle floating/tiled window
mod+space       focus floating/tiled window
mod+arrowkeys   navigate open windows
mod+{h,j,k,l}   navigate open window vim style
mod+s           shrink windows hieght and width
mod+y           calcurse
mod+shift+t     default windows size
mod+{1,2,..10}  open the numbered workspace or move to that workspace
mod+esc         go through the opend workspace
mod+tab         toggle previous workspace
mod+/           vertical split window
mod+'           horizontal split window

Mod1+s          window tabbed mode
Mod1+d          default tiled mode
Mod1+h          window stacked mode
Mod1+a          dropdown terminal(suckless terminal)
Mod1+z          dropup terminal(suckless terminal)
Mod1+q          tilix quake mode
Mod1+g          small scratchpad terminal at top right
Mod1+i          htop if installed
Mod1+w          websearch script
Mod1+e          clipboard script
Mod1+r          wifi script

# make sure to configure it in i3 to correct location of my rofi.sh script.  
ctrl+space      open rofi application launcher 

Some Previews

i3-gaps desktop

i3 gaps preview



  • Tmux split looks configured to look like splits in other terminal

Vim inside tmux with a plugin to open a small tmux window to run terminal

Vim inside tmux

Vim coding mode with tty timer

Lock screen using i3 lock

Rofi Application launcher

Dropdown terminal

Dropup terminal

Tilix quake mode


Qutebrowser command mode


Mpsyt youtube player

Websearch script using rofi and surfraw

Clipboard script using rofi


Wifi rofi script

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