Extractor Bot



  • Clone the repository

  • Install MongoDB locally:

  • Install Python 3.10+

  • Create Python ENV

    • python3 -m venv env_name
    • source env_name/bin/activate
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Add .env file with your secret keys that in env_dev
  • Run project

    • Run: uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000 --reload or fastapi run
  • Run by Docker:

    • Build: docker build -t extractor-app .
    • Run: docker run -p 8000:8000 extractor-app

API Documentation

Tech Stack:

  • Python 3.10+
  • FastAPI
  • Langchain
  • OpenAI / Gemini
  • MongoDB
  • Milvus
  • uvicorn

Endpoints usage

File Upload Endpoint

  • Path: /upload

  • Method: POST

  • Usage:

    • Accepts one or more file uploads (limited to pdf, tiff, png,jpeg formats).
    • Returns a list of file identifiers or signed URLs for the uploaded files.
  • Request:

  files: form-data
  • Response:
    "data": [
            "_id": "6654c225e8769fc30206f225",
            "file_name": "東京都建築安全条例.json",
            "url": "https://testingzone021.b-cdn.net/users_files/6651fbad0b03b201a830642a/1b38aa42-7a34-4bc9-b5fc-01c4e5f2c139.json",
            "file_type": "json"
    "status": "success",
    "status_code": 201

OCR Endpoint

  • Path: /ocr

  • Method: POST

  • Usage:

    • Add OCR file url or file upload _id.
    • Processing OCR results with embedding models, then upload the embeddings to a vector db for better searches.
    • Return File data to pass it to the extractor
  • Request:

    "file_id": "6654c225e8769fc30206f225"
    // "url": "https://testingzone021.b-cdn.net/users_files/6651fbad0b03b201a830642a/1b38aa42-7a34-4bc9-b5fc-01c4e5f2c139.json"
  • Response:
    "data": {
        "file": {
            "_id": "6654c225e8769fc30206f225",
            "file_name": "東京都建築安全条例.json",
            "url": "https://testingzone021.b-cdn.net/users_files/6651fbad0b03b201a830642a/1b38aa42-7a34-4bc9-b5fc-01c4e5f2c139.json",
            "file_type": "json"
        "msg": "Processing OCR File."
    "status": "success",
    "status_code": 200

Extraction Endpoint

  • Path: /extract

  • Method: POST

  • Usage:

    • Takes a query text and file_id as input.
    • Return response from the AI model depend on document data.
  • Request:

    "file_id": "6654c225e8769fc30206f225",
    "query": "道路状に造られた敷地の頂点の角の長さはどれくらいですか"

  • Response:
    "data": {
        "response": {
            "_id": "66575283f8f024a09219a037",
            "user_id": "6651fbad0b03b201a830642a",
            "file_id": "6654c225e8769fc30206f225",
            "query": "道路状に造られた敷地の頂点の角の長さはどれくらいですか",
            "response": "道路状に造られた敷地の頂点の角の長さは、長さニメートルの底辺を有する二等辺三角形の部分です。",
            "created_at": "2024-05-29T16:03:37Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-05-29T16:03:37Z"
    "status": "success",
    "status_code": 200