Securitize Test

Steps to init client side:

  1. yarn

  2. yarn start

Steps to init server side:

  1. Check you set up .env file with .env.example variables ( APIKEY )

  2. yarn

  3. yarn run tsc ( Compile code to dist folder )

  4. yarn run watch

Tech Stack:

  • Yarn
  • Async/Await
  • Typescript + Express
  • Axios
  • React Bootstrap
  • Eslint ( AIRBNB config )/ Prettier
  • Dotenv
  • TSC Watch
  • Node fetch

Things that can be improved:

  • We can add husky on pre-commit

  • We can add a loader on endpoint calls.

  • We can use Material UI for styling better dropdowns, cards, alerts, introduce snarkbars, typography, theme, etc.

  • We can implement a simple function for click outside Input ref, to automatically cancel the edition.

  • We can make components for each card.

  • We can add JSDoc