
Reversibly extracts files from an object tree.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Clones a value, recursively extracting File, Blob and ReactNativeFile instances with their object paths, replacing them with null. FileList instances are treated as File instance arrays.

Used by GraphQL multipart request spec client implementations such as graphql-react and apollo-upload-client.


Install with npm:

npm install extract-files

See the extractFiles documentation to get started.



Table of contents

class ReactNativeFile

Used to mark a React Native File substitute in an object tree for extractFiles. It’s too risky to assume all objects with uri, type and name properties are files to extract.

Parameter Type Description
file ReactNativeFileSubstitute A React Native File substitute.


An extractable file in React Native.

import { ReactNativeFile } from 'extract-files'

const file = new ReactNativeFile({
  uri: uriFromCameraRoll,
  name: 'a.jpg',
  type: 'image/jpeg'

function extractFiles

Clones a value, recursively extracting File, Blob and ReactNativeFile instances with their object paths, replacing them with null. FileList instances are treated as File instance arrays.

Parameter Type Description
value * Value (typically an object tree) to extract files from.
path ObjectPath? = '' Prefix for object paths for extracted files.

Returns: ExtractFilesResult — Result.


Extract files from an object.

For the following:

import { extractFiles } from 'extract-files'

const file1 = new File(['1'], '1.txt', { type: 'text/plain' })
const file2 = new File(['2'], '2.txt', { type: 'text/plain' })
const value = {
  a: file1,
  b: [file1, file2]

const { clone, files } = extractFiles(value, 'prefix')

value remains the same.

clone is:

  a: null,
  b: [null, null]

files is a Map instance containing:

Key Value
file1 ['prefix.a', 'prefix.b.0']
file2 ['prefix.b.1']

type ExtractableFile

An extractable file.

Type: File | Blob | ReactNativeFile

type ExtractFilesResult

What extractFiles returns.

Type: Object

Property Type Description
clone * Clone of the original input value with files recursively replaced with null.
files Map<ExtractableFileArray<ObjectPath>> Extracted files and their locations within the original value.

type ObjectPath

String notation for the path to a node in an object tree.

Type: String



Object path is property a, array index 0, object property b.


type ReactNativeFileSubstitute

A React Native File substitute for when using FormData.

Type: Object

Property Type Description
uri String Filesystem path.
name String? File name.
type String? File content type.



A camera roll file.

  uri: uriFromCameraRoll,
  name: 'a.jpg',
  type: 'image/jpeg'