
A Starter Kit for a new project with Vue.js 3 + Vue Router + @unjs/Unhead for SEO, SASS and Lucide Icons. ESlint and Prettier are also configured. In this template, we have a multitude of features that will help you to start your project quickly and easily.

Primary LanguageSCSS

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Logo of this starter kit Vue.js 3 + SASS + Lucide Icons Starter Kit

✨ Features

A template to start a new project with Vue.js 3 + Vue Router + @unjs/unhead for SEO, SASS and Lucide Icons. ESlint and Prettier are also configured.


This project is and will always be up-to-date in terms of dependencies.

In this template, we have a multitude of features that will help you to start your project quickly and easily.

Vue.js 🔧 - 🏠
Vue Router 🔧 - 🏠
@unjs/unhead 🔧 - 🏠
SASS 🔧 - 🏠
Lucide Icons 🔧 - 🏠
——————————————————— ————————————————
ESLint 🔧 - 🏠
ESLint plugin vue 🔧 - 🏠
Prettier 🔧 - 🏠
@vue/eslint-config-prettier 🔧 - 🏠
Vite 🔧 - 🏠
@vitejs/plugin-vue 🔧 - 🏠

⭐ Sponsors

Sponsors are people who support the development of this project. If you want to support me, you can do it by clicking on the button below.

GitHub Sponsors


Thanks to them, I can continue to develop this project and others. 🤩

🚀 How to develop this project

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint:fix && yarn format:fix

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.