

shoebox is an experiment in creating a little virtual space to hang out with friends, using an uber-basic interface inspired by the palace. like the palace, you're represented by a little bitmap who can move around a world; unlike the palace, this is tied to a proximity-based voice chat system allowing you to join and leave ad-hoc peer-to-peer voice conversations powered by webrtc.


run in dev

start the server (localhost:4000):

cd server/
./gradlew run

start the webpack dev server, peerjs server, and tsc:

cd frontend/
npm install
npm start

go to localhost:8080


this is a bit complicated:

  • you'll want to deploy the server, probably as a docker image using the built-in jib configuration.

  • then you'll want to host the host the static assets on the same host. your routing table should look like:

    /api -> $yourserverhost/api
    /ws -> $yourserverhost/ws
    /* -> static contents of dist/
  • you'll need a peerjs server that handles webrtc signaling. you can host this somewhere or just use the project-supplied one. this needs to get set using the PEERJS_ env vars (see webpack.config)