A JavaScript animation inspired by a chemical reaction called the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The reaction is described as a nonlinear chemical oscillator, which sums it up fairly well.
The code is based on a Windows screensaver, which can be found at:
The animation uses the HTML 5 Canvas tag, which may not work well with some legacy browser versions. Making the canvas element too big (1024x768) seems to result in the element not being displayed in newer browser versions.
The algorithm used in this animation is described in Gary William Flake's book The Computational Beauty of Nature. The animation is based on this description, although C code is available (see references section).
The JavaScript HodgePodge class has working defaults, provided a canvas element is present on the page.
The default parameters can be overriden in the constructor function, as follows:
palette : The palette as 256 * 32 bit color values in
RGBA order.
canvas : The canvas DOM element.
numberOfStates : The number of states in the cellular automata.
k1 : Controls infection rate of healthy cells by
damping the effect of infected neighbours.
k2 : Controls infection rate of healthy cells by
damping the effect of ill neighbours.
g : Controls progress of infected cells.
- https://ccrma.stanford.edu/CCRMA/Courses/220b/Lectures/6/Examples/cbn/code/src/hp.c
- https://github.com/thomasbratt/HodgePodgeScreensaver
- http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/flaoh/cbnhtml/toc.html
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH6bRt4XJcw
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belousov%E2%80%93Zhabotinsky_reaction
MIT permissive license. See LICENSE.txt for full license details.