
A .NET library for reordering collections.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


A .NET library for reordering collections (batching, interleaving, randomizing, shuffling, swapping elements, etc).



  • Groups contiguous elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector delegate.
  • A common use is processing items in batches that have already been grouped or sorted by a database query.
  • Similar to GroupBy but elements are grouped by adjacency as well as the key selector delegate. The operation is more efficient than GroupBy and only visits each element once, without needing to hash or sort the elements.
  • Each batch is returned as a type that inherits from List of T, to allow more efficient counts and lookups than a plain enumerable would provide.


  • Takes multiple enumerations (IEnumerable of T) and interleaves elements from each into a single IEnumerable of T.


  • Generates a pseudo-random sequence using a Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register.
  • Unlike most alternatives, storage is O(1) and time is O(1).
  • The sequence will contain each element exactly once.
  • The same sequence is always generated, although it can be seeded to start at a different position within the sequence. Although the sequence is predictable, it is 'random enough' for many uses.


  • Shuffles the elements of the input list or array using the Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.


  • Swaps two elements of a list or array in place.



MIT permissive license. See MIT-LICENSE.txt for full license details.

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