
4 AccessControl contracts per roles, 1 Ownable Contract, 1 SupplyChain contract inheriting from previous 5

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi Mentor/Corrector, All tests are passing, added some to test the Access Control for the Distributor and Consumer Roles, all 4 contracts are pretty much the same so only did these two. I have docker: true in truffle-config.js, turn that off at will The mnemonic and infura keys are passed into the truffle-config.js code through a .env file.


Activity diagram Sequence diagram Class diagram State Diagram

# Libraries

  1. truffle-assertions: useful for testing reverts and events emitted
  2. truffle-hd-wallet-provider: used for signing transactions
  3. @metamask/detect-provider: tried using the metamask ethereum API for detecting providers, the approach used in the code is the old way. Managed it and then stopped working. I was also able to listen to events successfully using that. ethereum.on('FarmerAdded, () => {})'
  4. web3: for making JSON-RCP calls from the client to the network Metamask is connected to.
  5. web3-provider-engine: had to add this library to use its NonceTracker to keep deploying account's nonce synchronized with network.

The ethjs-abi is deprecated, why does TruffleContract still depend on it? https://snyk.io/advisor/npm-package/ethjs-abi

Rinkeby address and transaction hash

0xb76118FE7Bdd8B202D95bC2C3ad769d2061AdC6b 0x17dd0d8f761c848c86a779a23cf0fe557088be1de0afa287e080f4dde07c766b

Seed used for deploying the contract

I used a different seed from the one provided in ganache-cli.txt, please use it so you can interact with the contract as its owner and add roles to other addresses, pause the contract etc. monkey cream zone canvas tower omit symbol sun add caught raw bread

## Library Versions: Truffle v5.1.65 Node v12.19.1 web3 1.2.1 Solc 0.7.1

Creating an Item

Fill in the appropriate fields in Farm Details as well as any Product Notes you want to add in Product Details before harvesting

## Getting info about an Item The Product and Farm Details fields can be used both to create an Item but will also be populated when clicking on fetchItemBufferOne/Two.

## QUESTIONS Please see Questions.md ;).

## Issues Can't seem to deploy without manually entering the mnemonic, process.env.MNEMONIC gives timeouts... Local: Encountering an exception at the very last action, consumer wants to purchase but getting an issue. Rinkeby: Also having some issues interacting with the contract once deployed to rinkeby...