Thor HTTP Sniffer for iOS
Thor - HTTP Sniffer/Capture on iOS for Network Debug & Inspect. Download from App store
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- Capture websocket from browser
- Debug requests with Breakpoint in Filter
- Unlimited HTTP body size capture
- Filter records by flexible rules (eg. block hosts)
- HTTP body auto decoding to preview
- Sniffed records export and import as .p4thor, .har
- Even iOS9 was supported with high performance
Flexible filter rules:
- filter records by domains, keywords, methods, protocols
- group records by file types, urls, methods, protocols
- keywords search
- filter export and import (.f4thor)
Compression file extract (password supported):
- zip, rar, 7z, tgz, tar, bz, tbz, gz, lz4
- extracting files in other Apps by opened in Thor
Excellent performance:
- thousands of records logged without pressure
- keeping Thor active all day without any side effect
HTTP(S) sniffer:
- sniff and debug HTTP traffic on other devices in same LAN
- decrypting https traffic in real-time
- HTTP pipelining
- websocket traffic captured
- HTTP archive (.har) export and import
- .har file can be standardized by importing to Thor and then exporting a new one
- .p4thor export and import
- record status updated in real-time
- clear records while sniffing
- log latest records on widget in notification center
- split screen on iPad
- add bookmark or memo for every record
File preview:
- all kinds of files in other App can be previewed by opened in Thor
- certificate preview and format convert (der, pem, p12)
- font preview with sample text
TCP and UDP traffic will not be sniffed.