
Build PHP Regex expressions using fluent setters and English language terms

Primary LanguagePHP

NooNoo Fluent Regex


This repo is no longer maintained - I highly recommend you move your code usage over to https://github.com/selvinortiz/flux - it features a very similar API!


Build Regex expressions using fluent setters and English language terms

$regex = new Regex();

//regex for a url
      ->either(".co", ".com")

echo $regex; // ^(http)(s)?(\:\/\/)(www\.)?([a-zA-Z0-9-_\/]+)(\.co|\.com)([a-zA-Z0-9-_\/]*)$


Please see DOCS.md for full details on the API documentation


  • 0.0.2

    • I've not touched this in 4 years! Figured it was time I improved things a little 😄
    • Moved code around
    • Improved doc blocks
    • Improved README
    • Started putting together some proper API docs
  • 0.0.1

    • First major release, landed on Github


Please see ROADMAP.md for further details on upcoming featuresa


Exclusive! Build your Regex using Yorkshire Slang!

Here's the above example, but this time, a bit more...Northern Better

      ->oneOrTother(".co", ".com")

Finding Matches

We can use the Match class to return capture groups for an input and a Regex pattern (as well as checking that the pattern matches the text, obviously)

Simple Match

$regex = new Regex();

        ->then("Hello, ")

$match = new Match("Hello, world!", $regex);

$match->isMatch(); // returns true

//thanks to invoke, you can also just check against the object itself

//ex. this returns true
if ($match)
    return true;
    return false;

If you build your pattern using a NooNooFluentRegex Regex object, each "chunk" that could contain characters will be its own capture group.

      ->either(".co", ".com")

$match = new Match("http://www.example.com/example_page", $regex);

echo $match->getGroup(5); // echos "example"

You can also return groups using specified names

$regex = new Regex();

    ->raw("[A-Z][a-z]+", "name")
    ->digit("number2") // number 2...hehehehe

$match = new Match("aZTom69", $regex);

echo $match->getGroup("name"); // echos "Tom"
echo $match->getGroup("uppercase"); // echos "Z"

Doing Replacements

We can use the Replacer class to do both mass replacements and individual, case-by-case replacements.

$regex = new Regex();


//we set up the replacer with a pattern, and a replacement to use
$replacer = new Replacer($regex, "Tom");

//now that those 2 are set up, you can start doing mass replacements

echo $replacer->replace("Sam went to play football"); //echos out "Tom went to play football";
echo $replacer->replace("Dave goes to the shop"); //echos out "Tom goes to the shop";

You can pass in an optional argument to the replace function to do case by case replacements.

//using the same variables as before

echo $replacer->replace("Martin plays too much Starcraft", "Sally"); // "Sally plays too much Starcraft"
echo $replacer->replace("Martin plays too much Starcraft"); // "Tom plays too much Starcraft"