
Food Standards Agency API Integration - Example Codebase

Primary LanguagePHP

Example Codebase for a Tech Test - Food Standards Agency API Integration

This codebase was originally written to serve as a tech test for a client, to show I know my way around PHP and React.js. Now, it's here for everyone to enjoy!

Original Requirements and Features

This codebase was written to cover the following user story;

AS AN end user I WANT to see a breakdown of the hygiene rating of all establishments, distributed by percentage, for a given local authority IN ORDER to get a clear overview of the "profile" of all the establishments of that local authority

When the app loads, a request is made to load all the local authorities. From there, you can click and search in the top dropdown for a local authority. Once that is done, the relevant profile data will be requested from the API and displayed in the table.


This git repo covers multiple discrete codebases, so it's a little different from normal.

server is a PHP, SLIM3 API that talks to the Food Standards Agency API and acts as a "middleman" to parse the responses into something more directly usable via a frontend.

client is a React.js frontend. It speaks to the server and displays the results it's given.

In order to run the codebases, it is expected that you have Vagrant, Composer, Node and NPM.



  • cd into /server
  • composer install to get all the dependencies
  • vagrant up to spin up the copy of Scotchbox
  • your box will now be up and running at the default Scotchbox IP,

You can alter the values in .env to alter FSA API details, and to alter the number of seconds responses are cached for.

Client/React.js SPA

  • cd into /client
  • npm install to get all the dependencies
  • npm start to spin up the virtual Node server
  • you can now browse to http://localhost:3000 and interact with the APP

The app was written to point its requests to If you change the IP address of the API, remember to change where the client points to!