Shimmer Synth

This synthesizer was created during the 2nd semester in our Audio Communication and Technology studies in 2020 as a final project in the class Real-Time Audio Programming. The task consisted of creating a Pure Data patch and writing an external for it in C.

After we had decided to develop a synthesizer and create an app for the iPad, we found the option to use TouchOSC. We implemented our own Pd patch synth_osc.pd into the already existing basic.pd patch and found out that we had to work with purr-data instead of Pd Vanilla. The reason for this was the fact that we actually needed Pd-Extended for OSC to work which is no longer supported.

For the iPad app, we adjusted the swift patch a little bit for it to work with Swift. As of today, the xy-pad that's implemented in the TouchOSC app is not yet implemented in the iPad app.

Steps to Get The Synth Running

Entire Pd Patch

  • Load and open the TouchOSC app on your iPad. Entire Pd Patch
    • Look for the network settings (Connections --> OSC: HOST IP).
    • Type in your PC's IP address (Host).

Entire Pd Patch

  • Port 8000 is used in the dumpOSC box in Pd.
  • Port 9000 is used int the connect box in Pd.
  • Inside the synth_osc.pd patch, type in the iPad's IP address (local IP address) inside the connect message box (1).
    • Click the connect message box to connect to the iPad.
    • Adjust the attack, decay, sustain, release sliders to your liking (2).
    • Do the same thing with the Fundamentals (3) as well as its Shimmer Strength / Shimmer Frequency (4).
    • Select the desired waveform (5), determine to what extend the notes should be spaced between left and right (6) adjust the the amount of reverb (7) and delay (8), turn up the volume (9) and turn on the dsp (10).
    • Now you're ready to play.

iPad App