
A small node server to convert the dart xml api to json.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Dart JSON api

A small node server to convert the dart xml api to json, made for testing in an app but thought I would throw it up on github.


npm install
node server.js


name: [
latitude: [
longitude: [
stationCode: [


pass the station code to get the realtime info on a specific station

Servertime: [
Traincode: [
"E826 "
Stationfullname: [
Stationcode: [
Querytime: [
Traindate: [
"01 Feb 2014"
Origin: [
Destination: [
Origintime: [
Destinationtime: [
Status: [
"En Route"
Lastlocation: [
"Departed Portmarnock"
Duein: [
Late: [
Exparrival: [
Expdepart: [
Scharrival: [
Schdepart: [
Direction: [
Traintype: [
Locationtype: [