Competidaily Generator frontend

This repo is the competidaily generator's frontend app.

Warning Please read this README before opening an issue or a pull request. Pull requests and issues that do not follow guidelines will be closed.



Clone this repo and install all dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd competidaily-generator-frontend
$ npm install


All pull requests merged on master branch will be deployed to the main app by Netlify action.

Want to Contribute?

Start by opening an issue on this repo. If you think you found a bug, try explain it and give as much detail as possible, as well as steps to reproduce your problem. If it's a feature suggestion, please explain what do you want and why should we implement it.

You can always open a PR solving any issue or adding a feature. Please DO NOT open PR without first opening an Issue or making sure that there is already an opened issue. Also, always reference said Issue on your pull request.