
VeganIpsum API is a LoremIpsum text generator that uses vegan-friendly terms. It is built with Node, Express, Pug and Bulma

Primary LanguageJavaScript

VeganIpsum API ❤️ 🐄 🐓 🐑 🐟

veganipsum.co (hosted on Heroku)

At the moment, the domain is rather slow to connect to the Heroku app, not sure why. You can also access the web app at https://vegan-ipsum-api.herokuapp.com/

Powered by Node, Express, Pug and Bulma

VeganIpsum API is a LoremIpsum text generator that uses vegan-friendly terms. It comprises:

  • A back-end consisting of an API serving different endpoints to generate random and selective output.
  • A front-end site hosting information and a random text generator.


I'm considering moving the database of words to MongoDB to allow CRUD operations.


You can use this app in different ways:

The Vegan Ipsum generator.

  • Go to https://www.veganipsum.co or click on the Generator 🤖 link from the Navigation links.

  • Pick how many words you want your random text to contain (10, 15 or 20), click on "Generate random text" and voila!

  • Additionaly you can click on the "Copy" button to copy the generated text right into your clipboard.

The Vegan Ipsum API.

You can build your request URL the following way

Base URL is https://www.veganipsum.co/api


/eggs, /meat,/cheese,/grains,/brands will each return a JSON containing a list of terms.

You can browse the endpoints directly in the browser or make a http call to retrieve the words.

For example, browsing to https://www.veganipsum.co/api/cheese will give you the following output:

    0: "daiya",
    1: "follow your heart ",
    2: "teese",
    3: "sheese ",
    4: "vegan rella",
    5: "cheezly ",
    6: "parma",
    7: "soymage vegan parmesan "

You can get a full list of the terms at the /full-list endpoint and to /full to vizualise the full JSON object containing all the categories.

By default your browser will probably display raw JSON data, making it difficult to scan and use.

You can use a browser extension to prettify the JSON right into the browser. Some useful extensions include the following: