- 0
Add a license
#67 opened by JohnCassavetes - 19
Today Widget
#14 opened by ylor - 0
#66 opened by Aleksandr6669 - 3
Crash when enabling GammaThingy.
#60 opened - 18
- 5
No non-expired provisioning profiles were found?
#32 opened by athyman - 0
URL for Darkroom Mode?
#65 opened by ds284 - 6
UI clarification
#64 opened by tophneal - 2
Assert failure in GammaController.m
#57 opened by alexbartisro - 4
No IOMobileFramebuffer
#62 opened by oc-tk - 4
- 3
Unable to run since last commit
#61 opened by Wysie - 4
Permanent orange filter after deleting app
#59 opened by paul31 - 4
Doesn't works, keeps on crashing
#48 opened by unique1o1 - 3
Keeps crashing ipad mini iOS 9.1
#54 opened by oc-tk - 7
Cannot sign "me.ahammer.GammaTest.GammaWidget"
#55 opened by daedos - 0
Red Tint after disabling orangeness
#58 opened by atomikpanda - 18
crash on enable toggle
#8 opened by moshesiegel - 1
- 5
Does not work on iPad pro
#50 opened by uvesten - 0
Before bedtime third automatic mode
#52 opened by gblazex - 14
crash when "enable" on iOS 9.1
#45 opened by JMoVS - 2
An App ID with Identifier 'me.ahammer.GammaTest' is not available. Please enter a different string.
#51 opened by ApolloMars - 26
Instructions for getting from Xcode to iPhone
#18 opened by sdaitzman - 2
How to make cold-screen display
#46 opened by dingjin2011 - 1
Can you un-deprecate it?
#49 opened by steipete - 2
- 5
Transition animation
#41 opened by ANGOmarcello - 9
Background Fetch Alternative
#37 opened by CasperCL - 11
Automatic change of color
#9 opened by tymmej - 2
How can it get colder rather than warmer?
#36 opened by xream - 2
Add a proper license please
#30 opened by atg - 0
Automatic Color Changing does
#34 opened by stefandesu - 3
Activating after reboot
#27 opened by ANGOmarcello - 7
URL Scheme support?
#10 opened by jeffreykuiken - 1
Dimming screen
#16 opened by rpappa - 11
Color Issues
#3 opened by gh0sti - 1