
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Eco Finite Oil

A server mod for Eco 10.0 that causes oil fields to be depleted over time when worked.


  1. Download EcoFiniteOilMod.dll from the latest release.
  2. Copy the EcoFiniteOilMod.dll file to Mods folder of the dedicated server.
  3. Restart the server.


The mod will begin working automatically when installed. It can safely be added to existing saves or removed at any time. Every time a pumpjack crafts one item, usually a barrel of Petroleum (unless you have modded recipes), a deduction will be applied to the 'Oilfield' world layer. The deduction is proportion to the current value of the oilfield, that is, a high density of oilfield will be used up faster. The deduction percentage is configurable.


There is a single config property called "ExtractRate", which is a percentage in fraction form (e.g. 0% = 0, 100% = 1, 50% = 0.5 etc). By default it is set to 0.0001 (0.01%). You can change it from the "FiniteOil" tab in the server UI, or by creating a file called "FiniteOil.eco" inside of the server's "Configs" folder and populating it with the following:

  "ExtractRate": 0.0001

To help you tweak this value, consider the following example case:

  • Oil driller has 10 pumpjacks placed across 4 plots which start at 90% oilfield density each
  • At 90% density the craft time for a barrel is roughly 1m 40s, which is about 36 crafts per hour
  • After an hour of runtime at the default extract rate, each pumpjack would cause a decay of about 0.36% density
  • Given that the oilfield world layer is per-plot and not per-block, at around 2.5 pumpjacks per plot, the oilfield density for all 4 plots would drop to 89.1% after hour
  • After 1 day of continuous operation, they would be at 82.5% density each

Note that this isn't entirely accurate as the pumpjacks will slow down as the oilfield density drops. There's probably a proper mathsy way of compensating for this and building a formula that allows you to plug in roughly how much you would expect an oilfield to decay every 24 hrs given a particular oil rig setup.

Building Mod from Source


  1. Login to the Eco Website and download the latest modkit
  2. Extract the modkit and copy the dlls from ReferenceAssemblies to eco-dlls in the root directory (create the folder if it doesn't exist)
  3. Open EcoFiniteOilMod.sln in Visual Studio 2019/2022
  4. Build the EcoFiniteOilMod project in Visual Studio
  5. Find the artifact in EcoFiniteOilMod\bin\{Debug|Release}\net7.0


  1. Run ECO_BRANCH="release" MODKIT_VERSION="" fetch-eco-reference-assemblies.sh (change the modkit branch and version as needed)
  2. Enter the EcoFiniteOilMod directory and run: dotnet restore dotnet build
  3. Find the artifact in EcoFiniteOilMod/bin/{Debug|Release}/net7.0
