
Tom and Rob's Object Notation

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Tom and Rob's Object Notation

Taron is a generic object notation format with a light-weight implementation for .Net. It's designed to compete against JSON in terms of usability and readability. It can be used to describe any data structure that JSON can, as well as include optional type information about values which can't be done cleanly in JSON. All parsed data is made available to the user code via the model which doesn't transform the data, but simply encapsulate it.


One of Taron's strong points in user readability. This makes it ideal for configuration files where a GUI is not available or not flexible enough to fully customise all options. Annoying brackets and quotes that can go missing are kept to a minimum, and in it's basic form, a config file can look very simple.

WindowWidth = 1920
WindowHeight = 1080

FullScreen = true

NickName = "Player"

Alternatively, settings can be grouped together in any arrangement.

	Width = 1920
	Height = 1080
	Border = WindowBorder.Fullscreen

NickName = "Player"

For reference, the JSON equivalent:

		"Width": 1920,
		"Height": 1080,
		"Border": "WindowBorder.Fullscreen"
	"NickName": "Player"

And the XML equivalent:


Current Implementation Features

  • Load and parse format into model with error handling
  • Read data from a simple hierarchical model using Linq, recursion or basic loops
  • Translate the parsed model into a .Net object, either a custom defined class/struct or native structures (such as arrays)
  • Embedded LR(0) parser with grammar rules included for easy extensibility

Todo / Missing Features

  • Benchmark and optimise parsing where needed
  • Serialising model back to string


The implementation includes a tight LR(0) parser and all lexer/grammar rules needed to parse the Taron format. Parse tables are built when the parser is instantiated and a single parser instance can parse multiple strings efficiently. Benchmarks pending.


The format follows a hierarchy of elements. An element can be a primitive value (string or number), an enumeration, an array or a map. The top level "root" element is always a map (as if the whole document is surrounded by a { }). An enumeration is denoted by two identifiers seperated by a dot.

A map is surrounded by { } and contains key-value pairs, seperated by whitespace (or nothing). Each pair starts with an identifier, followed by an optional type name, followed either by a value. If the value is a primitive (string or number), an equals (=) must be used. If the value is a complex (map or array), an equals must not be used. Whitespace is ignored and can be used as desired to increase readability of the document.

An array is surrounded by [ ] and contains values, seperated by a comma (,). Each value may start with a type name, though this is not required. A value can be a primitive (string or number) or a complex (map or array). No trailing commas or empty entries are allowed. An array can contain elements of different types, though this is not recommended for consistency's sake.

A more complex format example is shown below, demonstrating all format features.

	thing <b_fuel>
		FuelLevel = 0
		MaxFuelLevel = 1000
		Elements <Element>
			{ Name = "Oxygen" },
			{ Name = "Nitrogen" },
			{ Name = "Robbygen" }

	x = 10
	y = 20
	<float>z = 24
	IsVector = true

e_welder <EntityDefinition>
	Type = DefinitionType.Entity
	DisplayName = "Welder"
	SpriteSheet = "items/tools/general/Welder_off"
	Sprite = "Welder_off"
			FuelLevel = 0
			MaxFuelLevel = 1000
			FuelLevel = 0
			MaxFuelLevel = 1500
	OrderInLayer = 180

EmptyMap {}

Type Names

Any value may be preceded by a type name, which is indicated by an identifier wrapped in angular brackets (< >). Type names are always optional, but it is recommended usage is consistent. The type name by itself does not do anything and does not mutate the data. It is held as a string in the model and can be used by user code as desired. An example of good type name usage is to indicate which type to use when converting complex objects to .Net classes that utilise inheritance. This is done by the translator when used.