Scripts for 'The causes of sea-level rise since 1900'

(c) 2020 All Rights Reserved

Authors: Thomas Frederikse, Felix Landerer, Lambert Caron, Surendra Adhikari, David Parkes, Vincent W. Humphrey, Soenke Dangendorf, Peter Hogarth, Laure Zanna, Lijing Cheng, Yun-Hao Wu

This repository contains the scripts that have been used to compute the results from the paper 'The causes of sea-level rise since 1900', Nature, 2020 ( The global sea-level curve and the components in NetCDF format can be obtained from NASA PO.DAAC: A data set with the station list, VLM rates, resulting observed sea-level changes, the contributing processes, and more is available from Zenodo:

Note that this set of scripts relies on many external libraries, such as shtools ( for spherical harmonics, and MIDAS ( for GPS trends.

The repository contains the following directories:

  • compute_budget_terms

    The routines to compute global- and basin-mean estimates of all contributing processes. This file reads the individual gridded steric and GRD maps and averages them for each basin and the global oceans.

  • compute_grd

    All routines to prepare and generate the GRD ensemble members. This routine produces a gridded and barystatic estimate of the mass changes associated with each ensemble member. These results are read by the scripts in 'compute_budget_terms'.

  • figures

    These scripts save all data in GMT-readable formats for creating the figures.

  • region_selection

    Scripts used to quality-check all the individual tide-gauge and VLM observations and write the final list of tide-gauge regions used to compute basin-mean and global-mean sea-level changes.

  • results

    Routines to compute all statistics from the large ensemble. Most of the work occurs in ''.

  • tables

    Scripts to save data in excel tables.

  • tg_data

    Reads and processes all the tide-gauge data. Also contains the routines to merge the ERA5 and ERA20c reanalysis wind and pressure fields used to remove local barotropic variability from each individual tide-gauge record.

  • virtual_station

    Scripts to sample the gridded GRD fields at the tide-gauge regions and to merge the individual tide-gauge records into basin-mean and global-mean sea level using the virtual-station method.

  • vlm

    All scripts to compute VLM trends from GPS and altimetry-TG records.

  • GMT

    GMT scripts to plot all figures from the main text and supporting information. Get GMT here: The plots use, and the scripts include some colormaps from: