Currency Exchanger

Converts USD to a list of other currencies

By Thomas Friedrichs

Technologies Used

  • VScode
  • npm
  • css
  • html
  • Javascript
  • exchange rate API


In this application you can input a USD amount, then select a currency type. The program will contact the API and return a converted amount to the display

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • go to
  • select code, then copy the link
  • open your terminal and type in 'git clone (link)', then type 'code .'
  • type 'npm i' into terminal
  • go to and select 'get free key' in the top right corner
  • they will ask you to make an account with username and email, then they will give you your own api key
  • create a '.env' file in the top level of your directory, then go into your .gitignore file and add .env to a new line in that file.
  • in your .env type 'API_KEY='your given api key'.
  • type in 'npm start'
  • you may start a live server to test things out, to do this right click on the index.html in your dist folder and select 'open with live server'
  • enjoy application!

Known Bugs

  • no known bugs


MIT License

Copyright (c) [2021] [Thomas Friedrichs]

If you run into issues or have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me!

Contact Information
