
Plex background service for marking watched episode automatically in TVShowTime (compatible with all platforms)

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


tvshowtime-plex is a background java service compatible with all platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, NAS), that will allow you to mark automatically episodes in your TVShowTime account as soon as you did watch them in your Plex system.

Some details :

  • tvshowtime-plex is a separate background service and is not a Plex Media Server plug-in, you are not forced to run it on the same server where PMS is installed, because it uses REST services offered by PMS.
  • It is built upon Java 8 and was tested on all platforms including Synology NAS. Java 8 is the only requirement to run this application.
  • It uses a REST API offered by PMS to check the watched episodes and mark them as watched in TVShowTime, no need to add a special log configuration to your PMS.


Linux, OSX, Windows

First make sure that you have already installed Java 8 JRE in your computer, and that it is configured on the PATH. You can download Java 8 right from Oracle website, or if you are using Linux you can also choose to install and use the OpenJRE from the packages.

After this you are done with the requirements to run tvshowtime-plex, the next step is to download the already compiled package tvshowtime-plex from : tvshowtime-plex 1.0.5


After downloading the application and extracting the archive in the folder you want to put it in, you need to edit the application.properties file inside the config folder first, below is what need to be done :

There are two importants properties that needs to be configured correctly are :

  1. nuvola.pms.path this is the HTTP URL of your Plex Media Server, if you are going to run this application on the same server as PMS then the default provided value is good (no need to change it), if it is not the case then you need to put the correct URL for example nuvola.pms.path =
  2. nuvola.pms.token starting from Plex media server 1.1 a token is required, all web services calls are secured and need to be done with the X-Plex-Token, to find out the Plex Token for the user you want to configure with tvshowtime-plex this article will explain to you how : http://bit.ly/1PqlB1v
  3. nuvola.tvshowtime.tokenFile this is the complete file path where you want your OAuth authorisation token to be stored, if you want the token to be stored in the folder where the application is then you are good with the default value. It is used so that you dont always have to go through all frustrating steps of configuring you TVShowTime account with this application.
# REQUIRED: nuvola.pms.path is the location of the http service exposed by Plex Media Server
# the default value should be 'ok', assuming you're running the tvshowtime-plex on the same machine
# where the PMS is installed
nuvola.pms.path = http://localhost:32400

# REQUIRED: starting from Plex media server 1.1 a **token** is required, PMS secure all web services calls.
# To find the 'X-Plex-Token' follow this article : http://bit.ly/1PqlB1v
nuvola.pms.token =

# REQUIRED: Where do you wish to write the token used for authorizing access to
# you TVShow Time account, the default value should be 'ok'
nuvola.tvshowtime.tokenFile = session_token

# REQUIRED: Where do you wish to write the tvshowtime-plex log file.
logging.path = /tmp/tvshowtimeplex
logging.pattern.console=%d{HH:mm} %-5level - %msg%n
logging.level.root = ERROR
logging.level.org.nuvola.tvshowtime = INFO

After configuring the application.properties file you can now launch the service using the command :

java -jar tvshowtimeplex.jar

The next step is authorize tvshowtime-plex to communicate with your TVShowTime account. When you launch the application for the first time you see the following logs, you should the follow the instruction given.

Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
 _____     _____ _                 _____ _                      ______ _
|_   _|   /  ___| |               |_   _(_)                     | ___ \ |
  | |_   _\ `--.| |__   _____      _| |  _ _ __ ___   ___ ______| |_/ / | _____  __
  | \ \ / /`--. \ '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \______|  __/| |/ _ \ \/ /
  | |\ V //\__/ / | | | (_) \ V  V /| | | | | | | | |  __/      | |   | |  __/>  <
  \_/ \_/ \____/|_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ \_/ |_|_| |_| |_|\___|      \_|   |_|\___/_/\_\

   :::  TVShowTime-Plex (V1.0.3)  :::

11:39 INFO  - Starting ApplicationLauncher
11:39 INFO  - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
11:39 INFO  - Started ApplicationLauncher in 2.493 seconds (JVM running for 3.444)
11:39 INFO  - Linking with your TVShowTime account using the code 6quuR06OIYIwK-3vmRnE
11:39 INFO  - Please open the URL https://www.tvshowtime.com/activate in your browser
11:39 INFO  - Connect with your TVShowTime account and type in the following code : 
11:39 INFO  - 775b-a461
11:39 INFO  - Waiting for you to type in the code in TVShowTime :-D ...

In order to allow tvshowtime-plex mark episodes as watched in your account, as displayed in the logs you need to follow the the steps below :

  1. You need to visit this URL TVShowTime activate

  2. If you didnt login to your TVShowTime, it will ask you to login and, it will give an interface where you need to type the code that was giving to you in the log, which is in our case 775b-a461